
Philipp Hofmann

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3EEMona Ghassemian, Philipp Hofmann, Vasilis Friderikos, Christian Prehofer, A. Hamid Aghvami: An Optimised Gateway Selection Mechanism for Wireless Ad hoc Networks Connected to the Internet. VTC Spring 2006: 782-787
2EEPhilipp Hofmann, Christian Bettstetter, Christian Prehofer: Performance impact of multihop handovers in an IP-based multihop radio access network. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 10(2): 13-25 (2006)
1EEPhilipp Hofmann, Christian Bettstetter, Jeremie Wehren, Christian Prehofer: Performance Impact of Mobility in an Emulated IP-Based Multihop Radio Access Network. MWCN 2004: 395-406

Coauthor Index

1Hamid Aghvami (A. Hamid Aghvami) [3]
2Christian Bettstetter [1] [2]
3Vasilis Friderikos [3]
4Mona Ghassemian [3]
5Christian Prehofer [1] [2] [3]
6Jeremie Wehren [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)