
Pascal Urien

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15EEPascal Urien, Guy Pujolle: Security and privacy for the next wireless generation. Int. Journal of Network Management 18(2): 129-145 (2008)
14EEMohamad Badra, Pascal Urien, Ibrahim Hajjeh: Flexible and fast security solution for wireless LAN. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3(1): 1-14 (2007)
13EEPascal Urien, Mesmin Dandjinou: Designing Smartcards for Emerging Wireless Networks. CARDIS 2006: 165-178
12 Pascal Urien, Mesmin Dandjinou, Mohamad Badra: Introducing trusted EAP module for security enhancement in WLANs and VPNs. Communication, Network, and Information Security 2006: 191-198
11 Pascal Urien, Mohamad Badra: Secure Access Modules for Identity Protection over the EAP-TLS - Smartcard Benefits for User Anonymity in Wireless Infrastructures. SECRYPT 2006: 157-163
10EEPascal Urien, Mesmin Dandjinou: The OpenEapSmartcard platform. Net-Con 2005: 75-86
9EEArtur Hecker, Houda Labiod, Guy Pujolle, Hossam Afifi, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Pascal Urien: A New Access Control Solution for a Multi-Provider Wireless Environment. Telecommunication Systems 29(2): 131-152 (2005)
8 Mohamad Badra, Pascal Urien: Enhancing WLAN Security by Introducing EAP-TLS Smartcards. ICWI 2004: 342-349
7EEMohamad Badra, Ahmed Serhrouchni, Pascal Urien: A lightweight identity authentication protocol for wireless networks. Computer Communications 27(17): 1738-1745 (2004)
6EEAbdelkrim Lahlou, Pascal Urien: SIM-Filter: User Profile based Smart Information Filtering and Personalization in Smartcard. CAiSE Workshops 2003
5 Abdelkrim Lahlou, Pascal Urien: User Profile Based Smart Information Filtering in Smartcard. ICWI 2003: 1259-1260
4 Marc Loutrel, Pascal Urien, Dominique Gaïti: An EAP-BT smartcard for authentication in the next generation of wireless communications. Net-Con 2002: 103-114
3EEPascal Urien: Programming Internet Smartcard with XML Scripts. E-smart 2001: 228-241
2EEPascal Urien, Hayder Saleh, Adel Tizraoui: XML Smartcards. ICN (1) 2001: 811-820
1EEPascal Urien: Internet card, a smart card as a true Internet node. Computer Communications 23(17): 1655-1666 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Hossam Afifi [9]
2Mohamad Badra [7] [8] [11] [12] [14]
3Mesmin Dandjinou [10] [12] [13]
4Dominique Gaïti [4]
5Ibrahim Hajjeh [14]
6Artur Hecker [9]
7Houda Labiod [9]
8Abdelkrim Lahlou [5] [6]
9Marc Loutrel [4]
10Guy Pujolle [9] [15]
11Hayder Saleh [2]
12Ahmed Serhrouchni [7] [9]
13Adel Tizraoui [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)