
Ray Adams

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13EERüdiger Heimgärtner, Andreas Holzinger, Ray Adams: From Cultural to Individual Adaptive End-User Interfaces: Helping People with Special Needs. ICCHP 2008: 82-89
12EERay Adams: Evaluating the Next Generation of Multimedia Software. New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia 2008: 605-614
11EERay Adams, Satinder P. Gill: Augmented Cognition, Universal Access and Social Intelligence in the Information Society. HCI (16) 2007: 231-240
10EERay Adams, Simeon Keates: Accessibility Research in a Vocational Context. HCI (5) 2007: 575-583
9EERay Adams, Satinder P. Gill: User Modelling and Social Intelligence. HCI (5) 2007: 584-592
8EERay Adams, Andrina Granic: Creating Smart and Accessible Ubiquitous Knowledge Environments. HCI (6) 2007: 3-12
7EERay Adams: User Modeling for Intelligent Interfaces in e-Learning. HCI (7) 2007: 473-480
6EESimeon Keates, Ray Adams, Cathy Bodine, Sara J. Czaja, Wayne Gordon, Peter Gregor, Emily Hacker, Vicki L. Hanson, John Kemp, Mark Laff, Clayton Lewis, Michael Pieper, John T. Richards, David Rose, Anthony Savidis, Greg Schultz, Paul Snayd, Shari Trewin, Philip Varker: Cognitive and learning difficulties and how they affect access to IT systems. Universal Access in the Information Society 5(4): 329-339 (2007)
5EERay Adams: Decision and stress: cognition and e-accessibility in the information workplace. Universal Access in the Information Society 5(4): 363-379 (2007)
4EERay Adams, Clive Russell: Lessons from Ambient Intelligence Prototypes for Universal Access and the User Experience. Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence Environments 2006: 229-243
3EERay Adams: Consilience in research methods for HCI and universal access. Universal Access in the Information Society 5(3): 251-252 (2006)
2EERay Adams: Universal Access Through Client-Centred Cognitive Assessment and Personality Profiling. User Interfaces for All 2004: 3-15
1EEPatrick Langdon, Ray Adams, P. John Clarkson: Universal Access to Assistive Technology through Client-Centred Cognitive Assessment. User Interfaces for All 2002: 153-166

Coauthor Index

1Cathy Bodine [6]
2P. John Clarkson [1]
3Sara J. Czaja [6]
4Satinder P. Gill [9] [11]
5Wayne Gordon [6]
6Andrina Granic [8]
7Peter Gregor [6]
8Emily Hacker [6]
9Vicki L. Hanson [6]
10Rüdiger Heimgärtner [13]
11Andreas Holzinger [13]
12Simeon Keates [6] [10]
13John Kemp [6]
14Mark Laff [6]
15Patrick Langdon [1]
16Clayton Lewis [6]
17Michael Pieper [6]
18John T. Richards [6]
19David Rose [6]
20Clive Russell [4]
21Anthony Savidis [6]
22Greg Schultz [6]
23Paul Snayd [6]
24Shari Trewin [6]
25Philip Varker [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)