
Michael Pieper

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19 Constantine Stephanidis, Michael Pieper: Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence Environments, 9th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All, Königswinter, Germany, September 27-28, 2006. Revised Papers Springer 2007
18EESimeon Keates, Ray Adams, Cathy Bodine, Sara J. Czaja, Wayne Gordon, Peter Gregor, Emily Hacker, Vicki L. Hanson, John Kemp, Mark Laff, Clayton Lewis, Michael Pieper, John T. Richards, David Rose, Anthony Savidis, Greg Schultz, Paul Snayd, Shari Trewin, Philip Varker: Cognitive and learning difficulties and how they affect access to IT systems. Universal Access in the Information Society 5(4): 329-339 (2007)
17EEMartina Schulz, Michael Pieper: Web Compliance Management: Barrier-Free Websites Just by Simply Pressing the Button? Accessibility and the Use of Content-Management-Systems. Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence Environments 2006: 419-426
16EEMichael Pieper, Karl Stroetmann: Participatory Insight to Universal Access: Methods and Validation Exercises. Universal Access in Health Telematics 2005: 271-296
15EEMichael Pieper, Karl Stroetmann: Patients and EHRs Tele Home Monitoring Reference Scenario. Universal Access in Health Telematics 2005: 77-87
14EEMichael Pieper, Renate Anderweit, Beate Schulte, Ulrike Peter, Jutta Croll, Iris Cornelssen: Methodological Approaches to Identify Honorable Best Practice in Barrier-Free Web Design - Examples from Germany's 1st BIENE Award Competition. User Interfaces for All 2004: 360-374
13EERenate Anderweit, Michael Pieper: German BIENE award reveals best practice in barrier-free Web design. Universal Access in the Information Society 3(3-4): 272-275 (2004)
12EEMichael Pieper: Recommending Context-Sensitive and Process-Oriented Tourist Information to the Disabled - The PALIO Case. ICCHP 2002: 19-26
11EEMichael Pieper: Tutorial Systems to Teach Standard Applications to the Learning Disabled. ICCHP 2002: 83-89
10EEMichael Pieper, Renate Anderweit: Sociable Information Environments. User Interfaces for All 2002: 239-248
9EEMassimiliano Aschi, Danilo Roccatano, Alfredo Di Nola, Carlo Gallina, Enrico Gavuzzo, Giorgio Pochetti, Michael Pieper, Harald Tschesche, Fernando Mazza: Computational study of the catalytic domain of human neutrophil collagenase. Specific role of the S3 and S'3 subsites in the interaction with a phosphonate inhibitor. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 16(3): 213-225 (2002)
8 Michael Paetau, Michael Pieper: Sustainable information environments and informed sustainability. HCI 2001: 1093-1097
7EEFrank Leidermann, Michael Pieper, Harald Weber: Design for All. Konzepte, Umsetzungen, Herausforderungen. Mensch & Computer 2001
6 Michael Pieper, Georg Schoeler, Gerd-Uwe Funk: SENEKA - Service Networks for Training and Continuing Education. WebNet 2001: 996-997
5 Frank Leidermann, Harald Weber, Michael Pieper: Design for All - Konzepte, Umsetzungen, Herausforderungen. i-com 1(1): 45- (2001)
4 Michael Pieper: Information environments to overcome isolation, marginalization and stigmatization in an overaging information society. HCI (2) 1999: 883-887
3EEMichael Pieper, Dirk Hermsdorf: BSCW for Disabled Teleworkers: Usability Evaluation and Interface Adaptation of an Internet-Based Cooperation Environment. Computer Networks 29(8-13): 1479-1487 (1997)
2 B. Murchner, Reinhard Oppermann, Michael Paetau, Michael Pieper, Helmut Simm, I. Stellmacher: EVADIS - Ein Leitfaden zur softwareergonomischen Evaluation von Dialogschnittstellen. Software-Ergonomie 1987: 307-316
1 Michael Paetau, Michael Pieper: Differentiell-dynamische Gestaltung der Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation. Software-Ergonomie 1985: 316-324

Coauthor Index

1Ray Adams [18]
2Renate Anderweit [10] [13] [14]
3Massimiliano Aschi [9]
4Cathy Bodine [18]
5Iris Cornelssen [14]
6Jutta Croll [14]
7Sara J. Czaja [18]
8Gerd-Uwe Funk [6]
9Carlo Gallina [9]
10Enrico Gavuzzo [9]
11Wayne Gordon [18]
12Peter Gregor [18]
13Emily Hacker [18]
14Vicki L. Hanson [18]
15Dirk Hermsdorf [3]
16Simeon Keates [18]
17John Kemp [18]
18Mark Laff [18]
19Frank Leidermann [5] [7]
20Clayton Lewis [18]
21Fernando Mazza [9]
22B. Murchner [2]
23Alfredo Di Nola [9]
24Reinhard Oppermann [2]
25Michael Paetau [1] [2] [8]
26Ulrike Peter [14]
27Giorgio Pochetti [9]
28John T. Richards [18]
29Danilo Roccatano [9]
30David Rose [18]
31Anthony Savidis [18]
32Georg Schoeler [6]
33Beate Schulte [14]
34Greg Schultz [18]
35Martina Schulz [17]
36Helmut Simm [2]
37Paul Snayd [18]
38I. Stellmacher [2]
39Constantine Stephanidis [19]
40Karl Stroetmann [15] [16]
41Shari Trewin [18]
42Harald Tschesche [9]
43Philip Varker [18]
44Harald Weber [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)