
Jonathan Adams

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8EELiping Zhao, Linda A. Macaulay, Jonathan Adams, Paul Verschueren: A pattern language for designing e-business architecture. Journal of Systems and Software 81(8): 1272-1287 (2008)
7EEJonathan Adams, Karen Gurney, Stuart Marshall: Profiling citation impact: A new methodology. Scientometrics 72(2): 325-344 (2007)
6EESerkan Ozdemir, Debjit Sinha, Gokhan Memik, Jonathan Adams, Hai Zhou: Yield-Aware Cache Architectures. MICRO 2006: 15-25
5EEJonathan Adams, David Bustos, Stephen Hahn, David Powell, Liane Praza: Solaris Service Management Facility: Modern System Startup and Administration. LISA 2005: 225-236
4EEJonathan Adams: Early citation counts correlate with accumulated impact. Scientometrics 63(3): 567-581 (2005)
3EEJonathan S. Shapiro, Jonathan Adams: Design Evolution of the EROS Single-Level Store. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2002: 59-72
2EEJonathan Adams, Constantine Katsinis, Warren Rosen, Diana Hecht, Vaughn Adams, Harsha Narravula, Satyen Sukhtankar: Simulation Experiments of a High-Performance RapidIO-based Processing Architecture. NCA 2001: 336-339
1EEJeff Bonwick, Jonathan Adams: Magazines and Vmem: Extending the Slab Allocator to Many CPUs and Arbitrary Resources. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2001: 15-33

Coauthor Index

1Vaughn Adams [2]
2Jeff Bonwick [1]
3David Bustos [5]
4Karen Gurney [7]
5Stephen Hahn [5]
6Diana Hecht [2]
7Constantine Katsinis [2]
8Linda A. Macaulay [8]
9Stuart Marshall [7]
10Gokhan Memik [6]
11Harsha Narravula [2]
12Serkan Ozdemir [6]
13David Powell [5]
14Liane Praza [5]
15Warren Rosen [2]
16Jonathan S. Shapiro [3]
17Debjit Sinha [6]
18Satyen Sukhtankar [2]
19Paul Verschueren [8]
20Liping Zhao [8]
21Hai Zhou [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)