
Jay K. Adams

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5EEJay K. Adams, Donald E. Thomas: The Design of Mixed Hardware/Software Systems. DAC 1996: 515-520
4EEJay K. Adams, John Alan Miller, Donald E. Thomas: Execution-time profiling for multiple-process behavioral synthesis. ICCD 1995: 144-149
3EEJay K. Adams, Donald E. Thomas: Multiple-process behavioral synthesis for mixed hardware-software systems. ISSS 1995: 10-15
2EEDonald E. Thomas, Jay K. Adams, Herman Schmit: A Model and Methodology for Hardware-Software Codesign. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 10(3): 6-15 (1993)
1 Jay K. Adams, Donald E. Thomas: Addressing the Tradeoff Between Standard and Custom ICs in System Level Design. ICCD 1992: 194-197

Coauthor Index

1John Alan Miller [4]
2Herman Schmit [2]
3Donald E. Thomas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)