
Bülent Özgüç

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24EERifat Aras, Barkin Basarankut, Tolga K. Çapin, Bülent Özgüç: 3D Hair sketching for real-time dynamic & key frame animations. The Visual Computer 24(7-9): 577-585 (2008)
23EEAyse Küçükyilmaz, Bülent Özgüç: An Animation System for Fracturing of Rigid Objects. ISCIS 2005: 688-697
22EEYusuf Sahillioglu, Bülent Özgüç: Hair Motion Simulation. ISCIS 2004: 126-135
21EEUgur Güdükbay, Okan Arikan, Bülent Özgüç: Visualizer: a mesh visualization system using view-dependent refinement. Computers & Graphics 26(3): 491-503 (2002)
20EEB. Uz, Ugur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç: Realistic Speech Animation of Synthetic Faces. CA 1998: 111-118
19EETahsin M. Kurç, Cevdet Aykanat, Bülent Özgüç: Object-space parallel polygon rendering on hypercubes. Computers & Graphics 22(4): 487-503 (1998)
18EEUgur Akdemir, Bülent Özgüç, Ugur Güdükbay, Alper Selçuk: Right-triangular subdivision for texture mapping ray-traced objects. The Visual Computer 14(10): 445-454 (1998)
17 Tahsin M. Kurç, Hüuseyin Kutluca, Cevdet Aykanat, Bülent Özgüç: A Comparison of Spatial Subdivision Algorithms for Sort-First Rendering. HPCN Europe 1997: 137-146
16EEUgur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç, Yilmaz Tokad: A spring force formulation for elastically deformable models. Computers & Graphics 21(3): 335-346 (1997)
15EETahsin M. Kurç, Cevdet Aykanat, Bülent Özgüç: A parallel scaled conjugate-gradient algorithm for the solution phase of gathering radiosity on hypercubes. The Visual Computer 13(1): 1-19 (1997)
14 Tahsin M. Kurç, Cevdet Aykanat, Bülent Özgüç: Active Pixel Merging on Hypercube Multicomputers. HPCN Europe 1996: 319-326
13EECevdet Aykanat, Tolga K. Çapin, Bülent Özgüç: A parallel progressive radiosity algorithm based on patch data circulation. Computers & Graphics 20(2): 307-324 (1996)
12EEUgur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç: Animating deformable models: different approaches. CA 1995: 138-145
11 Egemen Tanin, Tahsin M. Kurç, Cevdet Aykanat, Bülent Özgüç: Comparison of Two Image-Space Subdivision Algorithms for Direct Volume Rendering on Distributed-Memory Multicomputers. PARA 1995: 503-512
10EEBülent Özgüç: Special issue: Advances in animation, rendering and visualization. Computer-Aided Design 26(12): 859 (1994)
9EEUgur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç: Animation of deformable models. Computer-Aided Design 26(12): 868-875 (1994)
8EECevdet Aykanat, Veysi Isler, Bülent Özgüç: Efficient parallel spatial subdivision algorithm for object-based parallel ray tracing. Computer-Aided Design 26(12): 883-890 (1994)
7EEUgur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç, Yilmaz Tokad: An animation system for rigid and deformable models. Computers & Graphics 17(1): 71-77 (1993)
6EEAhmet Cosar, Bülent Özgüç: A text, image, and graphics editor. Computers & Graphics 15(1): 57-66 (1991)
5EEVeysi Isler, Bülent Özgüç: Fast ray tracing 3D models. Computers & Graphics 15(2): 205-216 (1991)
4EEUgur Güdükbay, Bülent Özgüç: Free-form solid modeling using deformations. Computers & Graphics 14(3-4): 491-500 (1990)
3 Cihan Tinaztepe, Bülent Özgüç: Functional Test Program Generation Through interactive Graphics. ITC 1988: 551-558
2EEA. Kaya, Bülent Özgüç: Continuous Processing of Images through User Sketched Functional Blocks. Comput. Graph. Forum 7(4): 273-280 (1988)
1EEAhmet Cosar, Bülent Özgüç: A simple animation package. Computers & Graphics 12(3-4): 591-594 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Ugur Akdemir [18]
2Rifat Aras [24]
3Okan Arikan [21]
4Cevdet Aykanat [8] [11] [13] [14] [15] [17] [19]
5Barkin Basarankut [24]
6Tolga K. Çapin (Tolga K. Capin) [13] [24]
7Ahmet Cosar [1] [6]
8Ugur Güdükbay [4] [7] [9] [12] [16] [18] [20] [21]
9Veysi Isler [5] [8]
10A. Kaya [2]
11Ayse Küçükyilmaz [23]
12Tahsin M. Kurç [11] [14] [15] [17] [19]
13Hüuseyin Kutluca [17]
14Yusuf Sahillioglu [22]
15Alper Selçuk [18]
16Egemen Tanin [11]
17Cihan Tinaztepe [3]
18Yilmaz Tokad [7] [16]
19B. Uz [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)