
Pierfrancesco Fusaro

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6 Pierfrancesco Fusaro, Maria Tortorella, Giuseppe Visaggio: REP - chaRacterising and Exploiting Process component: Results of Experimentation. WCRE 1998: 20-29
5EEPierfrancesco Fusaro, Khaled El Emam, Bob Smith: The Internal Consistencies of the 1987 SEI Maturity Questionnaire and the SPICE Capability Dimension. Empirical Software Engineering 3(2): 179-201 (1998)
4EEGianpaolo Cugola, Alfonso Fuggetta, Pierfrancesco Fusaro, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, Luigi Lavazza, Serena Manca, Maria Rosaria Pagone, Günther Ruhe, Roberto Soro: A Case Study Of Evaluating Configuration Management Practices With Goal-Oriented Measurement. IEEE METRICS 1997: 144-151
3EEPierfrancesco Fusaro, Khaled El Emam, Bob Smith: Evaluating the Interrater Agreement of Process Capability Ratings. IEEE METRICS 1997: 2-11
2EEPierfrancesco Fusaro, Filippo Lanubile, Giuseppe Visaggio: A Replicated Experiment to Assess Requirements Inspection Techniques. Empirical Software Engineering 2(1): 39-57 (1997)
1EEKhaled El Emam, Pierfrancesco Fusaro: Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 3(1): 59-61 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Gianpaolo Cugola [4]
2Khaled El Emam [1] [3] [5]
3Alfonso Fuggetta [4]
4Filippo Lanubile [2]
5Luigi Lavazza [4]
6Serena Manca [4]
7Maria Rosaria Pagone [4]
8Günther Ruhe [4]
9Bob Smith [3] [5]
10Roberto Soro [4]
11Maria Tortorella [6]
12Giuseppe Visaggio [2] [6]
13Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)