
Gerald C. Gannod

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38EEJanet E. Burge, Gerald C. Gannod: Dimensions for Categorizing Capstone Projects. CSEE&T 2009: 166-173
37EEGerald C. Gannod, Janet E. Burge, Michael T. Helmick: Using the inverted classroom to teach software engineering. ICSE 2008: 777-786
36EEJohn T. E. Timm, Gerald C. Gannod: Grounding and Execution of OWL-S Based Semantic Web Services. IEEE SCC (2) 2008: 588-592
35EEMaurice M. Carey, Gerald C. Gannod: Recovering Concepts from Source Code with Automated Concept Identification. ICPC 2007: 27-36
34EEHenri Naccache, Gerald C. Gannod: A Self-Healing Framework for Web Services. ICWS 2007: 398-345
33EEJohn T. E. Timm, Gerald C. Gannod: Specifying Semantic Web Service Compositions using UML and OCL. ICWS 2007: 521-528
32EEHenri Naccache, Gerald C. Gannod, Kevin A. Gary: A Self-healing Web Server Using Differentiated Services. ICSOC 2006: 203-214
31EEGerald C. Gannod, John T. E. Timm, Raynette J. Brodie: Facilitating the Specification of Semantic Web Services Using Model-Driven Development. Int. J. Web Service Res. 3(3): 61-81 (2006)
30EESudhakiran V. Mudiam, Gerald C. Gannod, Timothy E. Lindquist: Synthesizing and integrating legacy components as services using adapters. Sci. Comput. Program. 60(2): 134-148 (2006)
29EEYu Chen, Gerald C. Gannod, James S. Collofello: A software product line process simulator. Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11(4): 385-409 (2006)
28EEGerald C. Gannod, Raynette J. Brodie, John T. E. Timm: An Interactive Approach for Specifying OWL-S Groundings. EDOC 2005: 251-260
27EEJohn T. E. Timm, Gerald C. Gannod: A Model-Driven Approach for Specifying Semantic Web Services. ICWS 2005: 313-320
26EEGerald C. Gannod, Sudhakiran V. Mudiam, Timothy E. Lindquist: Automated support for service-based software development and integration. Journal of Systems and Software 74(1): 65-71 (2005)
25EEGerald C. Gannod, Sushant Bhatia: Facilitating Automated Search for Web Services. ICWS 2004: 761-764
24EEYu Chen, Gerald C. Gannod, James S. Collofello, Hessam S. Sarjoughian: Using Simulation to Facilitate the Study of Software Product Line Evolution. IWPSE 2004: 103-112
23EEGerald C. Gannod, Shilpa Murthy: Verification of Recovered Software Architectures. IWPC 2003: 258-265
22EEGerald C. Gannod, Huimin Zhu, Sudhakiran V. Mudiam: On-the-fly Wrapping of Web Services to Support Dynamic Integration. WCRE 2003: 175-185
21EERobyn R. Lutz, Gerald C. Gannod: Analysis of a software product line architecture: an experience report. Journal of Systems and Software 66(3): 253-267 (2003)
20EEGerald C. Gannod, Sunil Gupta: An Automated Tool for Analyzing Petri Nets Using SPIN. ASE 2001: 404-407
19EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Suite of Tools for Facilitating Reverse Engineering Using Formal Methods. IWPC 2001: 221-232
18EEGerald C. Gannod, Barbara D. Gannod: An Investigation into the Connectivity Properties of Source-Header Dependency Graphs. WCRE 2001: 115-126
17 Betty H. C. Cheng, Gerald C. Gannod: Developing and Maintaining an Object-Oriented Distributed Multimedia Information System. Ann. Software Eng. 12(1): 95-118 (2001)
16EEGerald C. Gannod, Robyn R. Lutz: An approach to architectural analysis of product lines. ICSE 2000: 548-557
15EEGerald C. Gannod, Sudhakiran V. Mudiam, Timothy E. Lindquist: An Architectural-based Approach for Synthesizing and Integrating Adapters for Legacy Software. WCRE 2000: 128-
14EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Specification Matching Based Approach to Reverse Engineering. ICSE 1999: 389-398
13EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Formal Approach for Reverse Engineering: A Case Study. WCRE 1999: 100-111
12EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Framework for Classifying and Comparing Software Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery Techniques. WCRE 1999: 77-88
11EEGerald C. Gannod, Yonghao Chen, Betty H. C. Cheng: An Automated Approach for Supporting Software Reuse via Reverse Engineering. ASE 1998: 94-
10 Gerald C. Gannod, Gora Sudindranath, Mark Fagnani, Betty H. C. Cheng: PACKRAT: A Software Reengineering Case Study. WCRE 1998: 125-134
9EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Formal Automated Approach for Reverse Engineering Programs with Pointers. ASE 1997: 219-226
8EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: Using Informal and Formal Techniques for the Reverse Engineering of C Programs. ICSM 1996: 265-274
7EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: Using Informal and Formal Techniques for the Reverse Engineering of C Programs. WCRE 1996: 249-258
6 Gerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: Strongest Postcondition Semantics as the Formal Basis for Reverse Engineering. Autom. Softw. Eng. 3(1/2): 139-164 (1996)
5 Joseph L. Sharnowski, Gerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Distributed, Multimedia Environmental Information System. ICMCS 1995: 142-149
4 Gerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: Strongest Postcondition Semantics as the Formal Basis for Reverse Engineering. WCRE 1995: 0-
3 Betty H. C. Cheng, Robert H. Bourdeau, Gerald C. Gannod: The object-oriented development of a distributed multimedia environmental information system. SEKE 1994: 70-77
2EEGerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: Facilitating the Maintenance of Safety-Critical Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 4(2): 183-204 (1994)
1 Gerald C. Gannod, Betty H. C. Cheng: A Two-Phase Approach to Reverse Engineering Using Formal Methods. Formal Methods in Programming and Their Applications 1993: 335-348

Coauthor Index

1Sushant Bhatia [25]
2Robert H. Bourdeau [3]
3Raynette J. Brodie [28] [31]
4Janet E. Burge [37] [38]
5Maurice M. Carey [35]
6Yonghao Chen [11]
7Yu Chen [24] [29]
8Betty H. C. Cheng [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17] [19]
9James S. Collofello [24] [29]
10Mark Fagnani [10]
11Barbara D. Gannod [18]
12Kevin A. Gary [32]
13Sunil Gupta [20]
14Michael T. Helmick [37]
15Timothy E. Lindquist [15] [26] [30]
16Robyn R. Lutz [16] [21]
17Sudhakiran V. Mudiam [15] [22] [26] [30]
18Shilpa Murthy [23]
19Henri Naccache [32] [34]
20Hessam S. Sarjoughian [24]
21Joseph L. Sharnowski [5]
22Gora Sudindranath [10]
23John T. E. Timm [27] [28] [31] [33] [36]
24Huimin Zhu [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)