Margret Häckler, Andreas Jaeschke (Eds.):
Informatik für den Umweltschutz / Computer Science for Environmental Protection, 6. Symposium, München, 4.-6. Dezember 1991, Proceedings.
Informatik-Fachberichte 296 Springer 1991, ISBN 3-540-54932-3 BibTeX
editor = {Margret H{\"a}ckler and
Andreas Jaeschke},
title = {Informatik f{\"u}r den Umweltschutz / Computer Science for Environmental
Protection, 6. Symposium, M{\"u}nchen, 4.-6. Dezember 1991,
booktitle = {Informatik f{\"u}r den Umweltschutz},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
volume = {296},
year = {1991},
isbn = {3-540-54932-3},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Landesweite und kommunale Anwendungen
- Ian K. Crain:
Technology for Global and Regional Environmental Decision-Making.
237-246 BibTeX
- Andree Keitel:
Inhaltliche, technische und organisatorische Elemente des Informationsmanagements im Umweltinformationssystem (UIS) des Landes Baden-Würtemberg.
247-255 BibTeX
- Inge Henning, Fritz Schmidt:
Datenaufbereitung und modellbasierte Analyse. Neue Funktionalitäten im Umwelt-Führungs-Informationssystem (UFIS) des Umweltinformationssystems (UIS) des Landes Baden-Württemberg.
256-265 BibTeX
- Helmut Hoffmann:
Einsatzmöglichkeiten derr EDV in den kommunalen Umweltschutzbehörden.
266-275 BibTeX
- Sigrid Helle, Veronica Matusall:
Konzept eines Umweltinformationssystems für einen Stadtstaat-am Beispiel Hamburg.
276-285 BibTeX
- Hans-Jürgen Seel:
Einsatz von EDV zur Umweltberatung in dezentralen Strukturen.
286-295 BibTeX
Modellbindung und Simulation
- Hartmut Bossel, Holger Krieger:
Modelling and Simulation of Mixed Natural Forest Dynamics.
345-354 BibTeX
- Martin Thoma, Eckart Priesack:
3D-Simulation von Wassertransport in strukturierten Böden.
355-363 BibTeX
- Simon Houlding:
3D Geotechnical Modelling in the Analysis of Acid Mine Drainage.
364-374 BibTeX
- Gerhard Zuba:
Numerische Simulation der Schadstoffausbreitung über hügeligem Gelände.
375-384 BibTeX
- Markus H. Gross, Volker Kühn:
Integrating Simulation and Visualization for Environmental Analysis.
385-397 BibTeX
- Mikhail A. Semenov:
CROP - Decision Support System for Crop Production.
398-406 BibTeX
- Klaus Berger, Stefan Melchior, Günter Miehlich:
On the Suitabilitz of the "Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance" (HELP) Model of the U.S. Envrionmental Protection Agency for the Simulation of the Water Balance of Landfill Covers.
407-418 BibTeX
- W. Kinzelbach, J. Y. Lin, C. Cordes:
Modelling on Redmediation by Venting Measures in the Unsaturated Soil Zone.
419-430 BibTeX
- Norbert Grebe:
Simulation of Purification Plants with SIMPLEX-II.
431-440 BibTeX
- Hans-Joachim Budde:
An Economic Water - Planning - Model for the Eastern Region of Sudan.
441-450 BibTeX
- Vladimir I. Gurman, Dmitri M. Rosenraukh, Devard I. Stom, Evgeny A. Silow:
Mathematical Modelling of Perturbations of the Lake Baikal Ecosystem and Identification of the Model on the Basis of Experiments.
451-460 BibTeX
- Glenn Crouch, Jim Riddle:
Sulphur Dioxide Monitoring and Reporting.
461-469 BibTeX
Geographical Information Systems
- Wolf-Fritz Riekert, Michael Mutz:
Knowledge-Based Methods for Remotely Sensing Environmental Features: Development and Prototypical Application.
470-478 BibTeX
- Thomas Kahl:
Conceptual Outline for a Cartographic Information System for the Analysis and Evaluate of Radon 222 Pollution in Housing.
479-488 BibTeX
- Philip W. Baker:
Desktop Environmental Sensitivity Mapping for Environmental Protection.
489-503 BibTeX
- Gábor Mezösi, Ádám Kertész:
The Reduction of the Dust Pollution in Szeged (S-Hungary) with Land Use Optimalization Based on GIS.
504-513 BibTeX
- Werner Flacke:
Integration of Models into Geographical Information Systems.
514-525 BibTeX
- Martin Kappas:
Integrated Landscape Evaluation. Using Digital Aerial Photo Analysis and a Grid-Based Geographic Analysis System.
526-536 BibTeX
- Johann Schellerer:
Polygon Intersections in a Hybrid Geographical Information System.
537-545 BibTeX
Wissensbasierte Systeme
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by Michael Ley (