
Vladimir I. Gurman

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2 Dmitry Belyshev, Vladimir I. Gurman: Software Architecture for the Investigation of Controllable Models with Complex Data Sets. The Architecture of Scientific Software 2000: 317-332
1 Vladimir I. Gurman, Dmitri M. Rosenraukh, Devard I. Stom, Evgeny A. Silow: Mathematical Modelling of Perturbations of the Lake Baikal Ecosystem and Identification of the Model on the Basis of Experiments. Informatik für den Umweltschutz 1991: 451-460

Coauthor Index

1Dmitry Belyshev [2]
2Dmitri M. Rosenraukh [1]
3Evgeny A. Silow [1]
4Devard I. Stom [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)