
Gerald Schimak

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11 Johannes Schabauer, Gerald Schimak: The Future of Environmental Monitoring Systems, Introduction of UWEDAT. ITEE 2005: 616-629
10EEGerald Schimak: Environmental Knowledge and Information Systems. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(12): 1457-1458 (2005)
9EEWilfried Winiwarter, Gerald Schimak: Environmental software systems for emission inventories. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(12): 1469-1477 (2005)
8EEGerald Schimak: Environmental data management and monitoring system UWEDAT copyright. Environmental Modelling and Software 18(6): 573-580 (2003)
7 Ralf Denzer, David A. Swayne, Martin K. Purvis, Gerald Schimak: Environmental Software Systems: Environmental Information and Decision Support, IFIP TC5 WG5.11 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems (ISESS'99), August 30 - September 2, 1999, Dunedin, New Zealand Kluwer 2000
6 Gerald Schimak: A Cmputer-Based Emission Inventory - Practical Concepts to Support Regional Air Quality Planning. ISESS 1999: 122-130
5 Gerald Schimak, Ralf Denzer, Heinrich Humer: Integration in the Austrian Ozone Network. Integration von Umweltdaten 1994: 9-21
4 Gerald Schimak, Ralf Denzer: Interactive Visualization in the Austrian Ozone Network. Visualisierung von Umweltdaten 1994: 37-44
3 Ralf Denzer, Gerald Schimak: Visualization of an Air Quality Measurement Network. Informatik für den Umweltschutz 1991: 78-86
2 Gerald Schimak, Heinrich Humer, Gert Ernst: Benutzeroberfläche zur Datenkontrolle und Datenkorrektur in einem Luftmeßnetz. Visualisierung von Umweltdaten 1991: 86-94
1 Gerald Schimak: Komplexe Inhalt eines Umweltinformationssystems. Visualisierung von Umweltdaten 1990: 9-21

Coauthor Index

1Ralf Denzer [3] [4] [5] [7]
2Gert Ernst [2]
3Heinrich Humer [2] [5]
4Martin K. Purvis [7]
5Johannes Schabauer [11]
6David A. Swayne [7]
7Wilfried Winiwarter [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)