6. ONDM 2002:
Andrea Bianco, Fabio Neri (Eds.):
Next Generation Optical Network Design and Modelling, IFIP TC6 / WG6.10 Sixth Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM 2002), February 4-6, 2002, Torino, Italy.
IFIP Conference Proceedings 242 Kluwer 2003, ISBN 1-4020-7371-2 BibTeX
MAC Protocols
Burst Switching
Italian Projects on Optical Networks
- Stefano Bregni, Giacomo Guerra, Achille Pattavina:
Optical Packet Switching of IP Traffic.
135-149 BibTeX
- Franco Callegati, Walter Cerroni, Carla Raffaelli, Paolo Zaffoni:
Dynamic DWDM Exploitation in Connection-Oriented Optical Packet Switches.
151-166 BibTeX
- Andrea Bianco, Massimiliano Bonsignori, Emilio Leonardi, Fabio Neri:
Variable-Size Packets in Slotted WDM Ring Networks.
167-182 BibTeX
- Andrea Carena, Valter Ferrero, Roberto Gaudino, Vito De Feo, Fabio Neri, Pierluigi Poggiolini:
Ringo: a Demonstrator of WDM Optical Packet Network on a Ring Topology.
183-197 BibTeX
- Andrea Borella, Giovanni Cancellieri, Pietro Prosperi:
A Wavelength Recognizing Switching Architecture for Omega Interconnection Networks.
199-209 BibTeX
Switch Architecture
Protection and Restoration
- Simone De Patre, Guido Maier, Mario Martinelli, Achille Pattavina:
Design of Static WDM Mesh Networks with Dedicated Path-Protection.
281-294 BibTeX
- Shirshanka Das, Pavan Verma, Bijendra N. Jain, Mario Gerla:
ZRESTORE: A Link Restoration Scheme with High Aggregation and No Reservation.
295-310 BibTeX
- Giulia Conte, Marco Listanti, Marina Settembre, Roberto Sabella:
Protection and Restoration Strategies in WDM Mesh Networks.
311-325 BibTeX
- Murari Sridharan, R. Srinivasan, Arun K. Somani:
Dynamic Routing with Partial Information in Mesh-Restorable Optical Networks.
327-343 BibTeX
Virtual Topology Design
- Olufemi Komolafe, David Harle, David Cotter:
A Study on the Efficacy of Regular Virtual Topology Design Heuristics for Optical Packet Switching.
347-358 BibTeX
- Yukinobu Fukushima, Shin'ichi Arakawa, Masayuki Murata, Hideo Miyahara:
A Design Method for Logical Topologies with Consideration of Wavebands.
359-376 BibTeX
- David Bisbal, Fernando González, Ignacio de Miguel, Juan Blas, Juan Carlos Aguado, Patricia Fernández, Rubén M. Lorenzo, Evaristo J. Abril, M. López:
Dynamic Establishment of All-Optical Connections in Wavelength-Routed Optical Networks Using Genetic Algorithms.
377-392 BibTeX
Wavelength Routed Networks
Physical and Transmission
- Sulur, Ton Koonen, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy, Jean Jennen, Huug de Waardt, Geert Morthier:
Combined ASK/FSK and ASK/DPSK Modulation Formats for Optically Labeled Signals.
433-446 BibTeX
- Jan De Merlier, Mingshan Zhao, Geert Morthier, Roel Baets:
Some New Concepts for All-Optical 2R Regeneration Using InP-Based Photonic Integrated Circuits.
447-454 BibTeX
- Gerald Franzl, Admela Jukan:
On the Impact of Electronic Regeneration on Dynamic Wavelength Routing in Selectively Transparent of Opaque WDM Networks.
455-467 BibTeX
- Isabella Cerutti, Miriam Regina Xavier de Barros, Andrea Fumagalli, Rajmohan Rajagopalan, Sandro Marcelo Rossi:
Impact of Polarization Mode Dispersion in Multi-Hop Multi-Rate WDM Rings.
469-484 BibTeX
- Antonella Bogoni, Alessandra Orlandini, Luca Potì:
Modelling of a Deterministic Emulator to Accurately Reproduce the Real Fiber Affected by PMD Up to Third Order.
485-494 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:31:52 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)