
Roberto Sabella

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17EERoberto Sabella, Paola Iovanna, G. Oriolo, L. Sanità: Fine protection of data-paths in multi-layer networks based on the GMPLS paradigm. Optical Switching and Networking 5(2-3): 159-169 (2008)
16EEAndrzej Jajszczyk, Biswanath Mukherjee, Roberto Sabella, Xipeng Xiao: Guest Editorial Traffic Engineering for Multi-Layer Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(5): 865-867 (2007)
15EEEnzo Baccarelli, Mauro Biagi, Nicola Cordeschi, Cristian Pelizzoni, Roberto Sabella: Fast Downloading of Large Files over Fading Wireless Channels. WOWMOM 2006: 384-390
14EELaura Vellante, Luigi Alcuri, Michele L. Fasciana, Francesco Saitta, Paola Iovanna, Roberto Sabella: An Integrated Multi-service Software Simulation Platform: SIMPSONS Architecture. QoS-IP 2005: 300-312
13EEAlessandro Bosco, Alessio Botta, Giulia Conte, Paola Iovanna, Roberto Sabella, Stefano Salsano: Internet like control for MPLS based traffic engineering: performance evaluation. Perform. Eval. 59: 121-136 (2005)
12EEPaola Iovanna, Marina Settembre, Roberto Sabella, Giulia Conte, L. Valentini: Performance analysis of a traffic engineering solution for multilayer networks based on the GMPLS paradigm. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(9): 1731-1740 (2004)
11 Giulia Conte, Marco Listanti, Marina Settembre, Roberto Sabella: Protection and Restoration Strategies in WDM Mesh Networks. ONDM 2002: 311-325
10 S. Binetti, Alessandro Bosco, Marco Listanti, A. Maga, Roberto Sabella: Analysis and Dimensioning of a Single-Layer Optical Network Based on a "Switchless" Concept in Relevant Scenarios. ONDM 2000: 203-220
9 Roberto Sabella: Hybrid Fiber Radio Systems: Features and Performance. ONDM 2000: 265-
8EEMaurice Gagnaire, Roberto Sabella: Optical networks for new generation Internet and data communication systems. Computer Networks 32(5): 515-517 (2000)
7EES. Binetti, G. Notaro, Roberto Sabella: Granularity in all-optical WDM networks for large geographical areas. Computer Networks 32(5): 557-562 (2000)
6 Giancarlo de Marchis, Roberto Sabella: Optical Networks: Design and Modeling, IFIP TC6 Second International Working Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM '98), February 9-11, 1998, Rome, Italy Kluwer 1999
5 M. Pallini, Roberto Sabella: Analysis of Wirless Broadband Systems Employing Optical Fiber Links. ONDM 1998: 73-82
4 M. Berdusco, S. Binetti, Eugenio Iannone, Marco Listanti, Roberto Sabella: Impact of Transmission Performances on Path Routing in All-Optical Transport Networks. ONDM 1998: 85-96
3 M. Avattaneo, Eugenio Iannone, Roberto Sabella: Crosstalk in WDM Optical Networks. ONDM 1997: 47-55
2 Marco Listanti, M. Berdusco, Roberto Sabella: The Need of Wavelength Conversion in all-Optical Networks. ONDM 1997: 87-97
1 Roberto Sabella, Eugenio Iannone, Emilia Pagano: Optical Transport Networks Employing All-Optical Wavelength Conversion: Limits and Features. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(5): 968-978 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Luigi Alcuri [14]
2M. Avattaneo [3]
3Enzo Baccarelli [15]
4M. Berdusco [2] [4]
5Mauro Biagi [15]
6S. Binetti [4] [7] [10]
7Alessandro Bosco [10] [13]
8Alessio Botta [13]
9Giulia Conte [11] [12] [13]
10Nicola Cordeschi [15]
11Michele L. Fasciana [14]
12Maurice Gagnaire [8]
13Eugenio Iannone [1] [3] [4]
14Paola Iovanna [12] [13] [14] [17]
15Andrzej Jajszczyk [16]
16Marco Listanti [2] [4] [10] [11]
17A. Maga [10]
18Giancarlo de Marchis [6]
19Biswanath Mukherjee [16]
20G. Notaro [7]
21G. Oriolo [17]
22Emilia Pagano [1]
23M. Pallini [5]
24Cristian Pelizzoni [15]
25Francesco Saitta [14]
26Stefano Salsano [13]
27L. Sanità [17]
28Marina Settembre [11] [12]
29L. Valentini [12]
30Laura Vellante [14]
31Xipeng Xiao [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)