Consistency and Non-determinism in a Database Programming Language.

Filippo Cacace, Stefano Ceri, Letizia Tanca: Consistency and Non-determinism in a Database Programming Language. MFDBS 1991: 325-341
  author    = {Filippo Cacace and
               Stefano Ceri and
               Letizia Tanca},
  editor    = {Bernhard Thalheim and
               J{\'a}nos Demetrovics and
               Hans-Detlef Gerhardt},
  title     = {Consistency and Non-determinism in a Database Programming Language},
  booktitle = {MFDBS 91, 3rd Symposium on Mathematical Fundamentals of Database
               and Knowledge Bases Systems, Rostock, Germany, May 6-9, 1991,
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {495},
  year      = {1991},
  isbn      = {3-540-54009-1},
  pages     = {325-341},
  ee        = {db/conf/mfdbs/CacaceCT91.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/mfdbs/91},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Malcolm P. Atkinson, François Bancilhon, David J. DeWitt, Klaus R. Dittrich, David Maier, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto. DOOD 1989: 223-240 BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Stéphane Grumbach: COL: A Logic-Based Language for Complex Objects. EDBT 1988: 271-293 BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul: Updates, A New Frontier. ICDT 1988: 1-18 BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Paris C. Kanellakis: Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 159-173 BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Eric Simon, Victor Vianu: Non-Deterministic Languages to Express Deterministic Transformations. PODS 1990: 218-229 BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu: Datalog Extensions for Database Queries and Updates. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 43(1): 62-124(1991) BibTeX
Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu: Non-Determinism in Logic-Based Languages. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 3(2-4): 151-186(1991) BibTeX
Catriel Beeri: Data Models and Languages for Databases. ICDT 1988: 19-40 BibTeX
Luca Cardelli: A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance. Inf. Comput. 76(2/3): 138-164(1988) BibTeX
Filippo Cacace, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi, Letizia Tanca, Roberto Zicari: Integrating Object-Oriented Data Modeling with a Rule-Based Programming Paradigm. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 225-236 BibTeX
Stefano Ceri, Georg Gottlob, Letizia Tanca: Logic Programming and Databases. Springer 1990, ISBN 3-540-51728-6
Richard Hull, Masatoshi Yoshikawa: ILOG: Declarative Creation and Manipulation of Object Identifiers. VLDB 1990: 455-468 BibTeX
Tomasz Imielinski, Shamim A. Naqvi: Explicit Control of Logic Programs Through Rule Algebra. PODS 1988: 103-116 BibTeX
Michael Kifer, James Wu: A Logic for Object-Oriented Logic Programming (Maier's O-Logic Revisited). PODS 1989: 379-393 BibTeX
Christophe Lécluse, Philippe Richard, Fernando Vélez: O2, an Object-Oriented Data Model. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 424-433 BibTeX
Christophe de Maindreville, Eric Simon: Modelling Non Deterministic Queries and Updates in Deductive Databases. VLDB 1988: 395-406 BibTeX
Sanjay Manchanda, David Scott Warren: A Logic-based Language for Database Updates. Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 363-394 BibTeX
Katherine A. Morris, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Allen Van Gelder: Design Overview of the NAIL! System. ICLP 1986: 554-568 BibTeX
Shamim A. Naqvi, Shalom Tsur: A Logical Language for Data and Knowledge Bases. Computer Science Press 1989, ISBN 0-7167-8200-6
Yeh-Heng Sheng: IDLOG: Extending the Expressive Power of Deductive Database Languages. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 54-63 BibTeX
Domenico Saccà, Carlo Zaniolo: Stable Models and Non-Determinism in Logic Programs with Negation. PODS 1990: 205-217 BibTeX
Jeffrey D. Ullman: Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Volume I. Computer Science Press 1988, ISBN 0-7167-8158-1
Contents BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Filippo Cacace, Stefano Ceri, Stefano Crespi-Reghizzi, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi, Letizia Tanca: The LOGRES prototype. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 550-551
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