
Chan Yeol Park

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7EESungJin Choi, HongSoo Kim, EunJoung Byun, MaengSoon Baik, SungSuk Kim, Chan Yeol Park, Chong-Sun Hwang: Characterizing and Classifying Desktop Grid. CCGRID 2007: 743-748
6EEEunJoung Byun, SungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, Joon-Min Gil, Chan Yeol Park, Chong-Sun Hwang: MJSA: Markov job scheduler based on availability in desktop grid computing environment. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 23(4): 616-622 (2007)
5EESungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, Joon-Min Gil, Chan Yeol Park, Soon Young Jung, Chong-Sun Hwang: Group-Based Dynamic Computational Replication Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Grid Computing. CCGRID 2006: 7
4EESungJin Choi, MaengSoon Baik, Joon-Min Gil, Chan Yeol Park, Soon Young Jung, Chong-Sun Hwang: Dynamic Scheduling Mechanism for Result Certification in Peer to Peer Grid Computing. GCC 2005: 811-824
3 Joon-Min Gil, Chan Yeol Park, Chong-Sun Hwang, Doo-Soon Park, Jin Gon Shon, Young-Sik Jeong: Restoration scheme of mobility databases by mobility learning and prediction in PCS networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 19(10): 1962-1973 (2001)
2 Youn-Hee Han, Chan Yeol Park, Chong-Sun Hwang, Young-Sik Jeong: Tiger: Toward Object-Oriented Distributed and Parallel Programming in Global Environment. ISCOPE 1999: 78-83
1 Chan Yeol Park, Joon-Min Gil, Youn-Hee Han, Chong-Sun Hwang: Failure Restoration for Location Server with User Movement Learning and Prediction. ISHPC 1999: 399-406

Coauthor Index

1MaengSoon Baik [4] [5] [6] [7]
2EunJoung Byun [6] [7]
3SungJin Choi [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Joon-Min Gil [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
5Youn-Hee Han [1] [2]
6Chong-Sun Hwang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
7Young-Sik Jeong [2] [3]
8Soon Young Jung [4] [5]
9HongSoo Kim [7]
10SungSuk Kim [7]
11Doo-Soon Park [3]
12Jin Gon Shon [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)