
Nobuhisa Fujinami

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7 Nobuhisa Fujinami: Automatic Generation of Executable Data Structures. ISCOPE 1999: 13-24
6EENobuhisa Fujinami: Determination of Dynamic Method Dispatches Using Run-Time Code Generation. Types in Compilation 1998: 253-271
5 Nobuhisa Fujinami: Automatic Run-Time Code Generation in C++. ISCOPE 1997: 9-16
4 Nobuhisa Fujinami: Automatic Run-Time Code Generation in Object-Oriented Languages. PLILP 1997: 423-424
3 Nobuhisa Fujinami: Implementation of Authenticated Communication Based on Hierarchy-Relative Naming Scheme. PODC 1994: 381
2 Nobuhisa Fujinami, Yasuhiko Yokote: Naming and Addressing of Objects Without Unique Identifiers. ICDCS 1992: 581-588
1 Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, Nobuhisa Fujinami, Mario Tokoro: The Muse Object Architecture: A New Operating System Structuring Concept. Operating Systems Review 25(2): 22-46 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Atsushi Mitsuzawa [1]
2Fumio Teraoka [1]
3Mario Tokoro [1]
4Yasuhiko Yokote [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)