Implementing Calendars and Temporal Rules in Next Generation Databases.
Rakesh Chandra, Arie Segev, Michael Stonebraker:
Implementing Calendars and Temporal Rules in Next Generation Databases.
ICDE 1994: 264-273@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/icde/ChandraSS94,
author = {Rakesh Chandra and
Arie Segev and
Michael Stonebraker},
title = {Implementing Calendars and Temporal Rules in Next Generation
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Data Engineering,
February 14-18, 1994, Houston, Texas, USA},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
year = {1994},
isbn = {0-8186-5400-7},
pages = {264-273},
ee = {db/conf/icde/ChandraSS94.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/icde/94},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
Copyright © 1994 by The Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc. (IEEE).
Abstract used with permission.
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Printed Edition
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Data Engineering, February 14-18, 1994, Houston, Texas, USA.
IEEE Computer Society 1994, ISBN 0-8186-5400-7
Contents BibTeX
- [AG90]
- Rakesh Agrawal, Narain H. Gehani:
ODE (Object Database and Environment): The Language and the Data Model.
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 36-45 BibTeX
- [All85]
- James F. Allen:
Maintaining Knowledge about Temporal Intervals.
Commun. ACM 26(11): 832-843(1983) BibTeX
- [Cor87]
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- [CS93]
- Rakesh Chandra, Arie Segev:
Managing Temporal Financial Data in an Extensible Database.
VLDB 1993: 302-313 BibTeX
- [CSS93]
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- [Dt88]
- C. J. Date:
Defining Data Types in a Database Language - A Proposal for Adding Date and Time Support to SQL.
SIGMOD Record 17(2): 53-76(1988) BibTeX
- [De88]
- Umeshwar Dayal, Barbara T. Blaustein, Alejandro P. Buchmann, Upen S. Chakravarthy, Meichun Hsu, R. Ledin, Dennis R. McCarthy, Arnon Rosenthal, Sunil K. Sarin, Michael J. Carey, Miron Livny, Rajiv Jauhari:
The HiPAC Project: Combining Active Databases and Timing Constraints.
SIGMOD Record 17(1): 51-70(1988) BibTeX
- [DW90]
- C. J. Date, Colin J. White:
A Guide to DB2, 3rd Edition.
Addison-Wesley 1990
- [EGS92]
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- Shashi K. Gadia:
The Role of Temporal Elements in Temporal Databases.
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- Bruce Leban, David McDonald, David Forster:
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- Shamkant B. Navathe, Rafi Ahmed:
A Temporal Relational Model and a Query Language.
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- [RS91]
- Ellen Rose, Arie Segev:
TOODM - A Temporal Object-Oriented Data Model with Temporal Constraints.
ER 1991: 205-229 BibTeX
- [RS93]
- Ellen Rose, Arie Segev:
TOOSQL - A Temporal Object-Oriented Query Language.
ER 1993: 122-136 BibTeX
- [SC91]
- Stanley Y. W. Su, Hsin-Hsing M. Chen:
A Temporal Knowledge Representation Model OSAM*/T and Its Query Language OQL/T.
VLDB 1991: 431-442 BibTeX
- [SJGP90]
- Michael Stonebraker, Anant Jhingran, Jeffrey Goh, Spyros Potamianos:
On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Data Base Systems.
SIGMOD Conference 1990: 281-290 BibTeX
- [Sno87]
- Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Temporal Query Language TQuel.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 247-298(1987) BibTeX
- [Sno90]
- Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Databases - Status and Research Directions.
SIGMOD Record 19(4): 83-89(1990) BibTeX
- [SS92]
- ...
- [SS93]
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- [Sto90a]
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- [Sto90b]
- Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe, Michael Hirohama:
The Implementation of Postgres.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(1): 125-142(1990) BibTeX
- [TCG+93]
- Abdullah Uz Tansel, James Clifford, Shashi K. Gadia, Sushil Jajodia, Arie Segev, Richard T. Snodgrass (Eds.):
Temporal Databases: Theory, Design, and Implementation.
Benjamin/Cummings 1993, ISBN 0-8053-2413-5
Contents BibTeX
- [WD92]
- Gene T. J. Wuu, Umeshwar Dayal:
A Uniform Model for Temporal Object-Oriented Databases.
ICDE 1992: 584-593 BibTeX
- [Wid92]
- Jennifer Widom:
The Starburst Rule System: Language Design, Implementation, and Applications.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 15(1-4): 15-18(1992) BibTeX
Referenced by
- Claudio Bettini, Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Sushil Jajodia, Jia-Ling Lin:
Discovering Frequent Event Patterns with Multiple Granularities in Time Sequences.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(2): 222-237(1998)
- Sridhar Ramaswamy, Sameer Mahajan, Abraham Silberschatz:
On the Discovery of Interesting Patterns in Association Rules.
VLDB 1998: 368-379
- Jae Young Lee, Ramez Elmasri:
An EER-Based Conceptual Model and Query Language for Time-Series Data.
ER 1998: 21-34
- Paolo Terenziani:
Integrating Calendar Dates and Qualitative Temporal Constraints in the Treatment of Periodic Events.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 9(5): 763-783(1997)
- Iakovos Motakis, Carlo Zaniolo:
Temporal Aggregation in Active Database Rules.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 440-451
- Claudio Bettini, Xiaoyang Sean Wang, Sushil Jajodia:
Testing Complex Temporal Relationships Involving Multiple Granularities and Its Application to Data Mining.
PODS 1996: 68-78
- Jae Young Lee, Ramez Elmasri, Jongho Won:
Specification of Calendars and Time Series for Temporal Databases.
ER 1996: 341-356
- Jennifer Widom, Stefano Ceri (Eds.):
Active Database Systems: Triggers and Rules For Advanced Database Processing.
Morgan Kaufmann 1996, ISBN 1-55860-304-2
Contents - H. V. Jagadish, Inderpal Singh Mumick, Abraham Silberschatz:
View Maintenance Issues for the Chronicle Data Model.
PODS 1995: 113-124
- Werner Dreyer, Angelika Kotz Dittrich, Duri Schmidt:
An Object-Oriented Data Model for a Time Series Management System.
SSDBM 1994: 186-195
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