
M. E. Ulug

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3EEM. E. Ulug: A hybrid expert system combining AI techniques with a neural-net. IEA/AIE (1) 1989: 305-309
2EEM. E. Ulug, Michael R. Blaha: A database I/O server with a learning expert system. Inf. Sci. 48(1): 53-74 (1989)
1 M. E. Ulug, D. F. Weir, L. B. Morris, J. G. Gruber: An Experimental Transparent Intelligent Network. ICCC 1976: 323-329

Coauthor Index

1Michael R. Blaha [2]
2J. G. Gruber [1]
3L. B. Morris [1]
4D. F. Weir [1]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)