
Constantin Arapis

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9EEConstantin Arapis: Archiving Telemeetings. CIKM 1999: 545
8EEConstantin Arapis, Dimitris Thanos: Telemeetings: Managing the Temporal Structure. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 919-923
7EESimon J. Gibbs, Constantin Arapis, Christian Breiteneder: TELEPORT - Towards Immersive Copresence. Multimedia Syst. 7(3): 214-221 (1999)
6EEConstantin Arapis, Dimitri Konstantas, Thomi Pilioura: Design issues and alternatives for setting up real-time interactive Telelectures. SAC 1998: 104-111
5EESimon J. Gibbs, Constantin Arapis, Christian Breiteneder, Vali Lalioti, Sina Mostafawy, Josef Speier: Virtual Studios: An Overview. IEEE MultiMedia 5(1): 18-35 (1998)
4 Constantin Arapis, Simon J. Gibbs, Christian Breiteneder: Real-Time Segmentation of Video on a Multiprocessor Platform. Parallel Computing 23(12): 1777-1792 (1997)
3 Constantin Arapis: A Temporal Logic-Based Approach for the Description of Object Behavior Evolution. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 7(1-4): 1-40 (1993)
2 Constantin Arapis: Temporal Specifications of Object Interactions. FMLDO 1991: 15-35
1EEConstantin Arapis: Temporal Specifications of Object Behavior. MFDBS 1991: 308-324

Coauthor Index

1Christian Breiteneder [4] [5] [7]
2Simon J. Gibbs [4] [5] [7]
3Dimitri Konstantas [6]
4Vali Lalioti [5]
5Sina Mostafawy [5]
6Thomi Pilioura [6]
7Josef Speier [5]
8Dimitris Thanos [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)