
Paula Gouveia

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7EEPaula Gouveia, Jaime Ramos: Multi-Agent Systems Specification and Certification: A Situation and State Calculus Approach. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 41(2-4): 301-338 (2004)
6EECarlos Caleiro, Paula Gouveia, Jaime Ramos: Completeness Results for Fibred Parchments: Beyond the Propositional Base. WADT 2002: 185-200
5 Paula Gouveia, Cristina Sernadas: Abductive Reasoning over Temporal Specifications of Objects. Advances in Modal Logic 1998: 275-300
4 Paula Gouveia, Cristina Sernadas: Reasoning Aspects in Information Systems and Databases. DAISD 1993: 201-223
3 Cristina Sernadas, Paula Gouveia, Amílcar Sernadas: Refinement: Layered Definition of Conceptual Schemata. ISCO 1992: 19-51
2 Cristina Sernadas, Paula Gouveia, Antónia Lopes: Gentzen-Type System for Verification in Conceptual Modeling. FMLDO 1991: 215-228
1 Cristina Sernadas, Paula Gouveia, Luísa Silva, Antónia Lopes: Objects as Structuring Units for Incorporating Dynamics in Deductive Conceptual Modeling. DAISD 1990: 93-110

Coauthor Index

1Carlos Caleiro [6]
2Antónia Lopes [1] [2]
3Jaime Ramos [6] [7]
4Amílcar Sernadas [3]
5Cristina Sernadas [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
6Luísa Silva [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)