
Gerd W. Wöstenkühler

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3 Gerd W. Wöstenkühler, Daren R. Wilcox: Adapter for 8051 Emulation Using the C8051F360 and USB ToolStick. FECS 2008: 429-433
2 Gerd W. Wöstenkühler, Daren R. Wilcox: Use of the ispMACH 4A as a Low Cost Teaching Aid of VHDL in an Engineering Curriculum. FECS 2007: 231-235
1 Dieter Barschdorff, A. F. Ndenge, Gerd W. Wöstenkühler: Multiprozessorsystem zur Fehlerdiagnose - Anwendungsangepaßte Rechnerarchitektur. ASST 1990: 287-292

Coauthor Index

1Dieter Barschdorff [1]
2A. F. Ndenge [1]
3Daren R. Wilcox [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)