CGVR 2008:
Las Vegas,
Hamid R. Arabnia, Leonidas Deligiannidis (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality, CGVR 2008, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
CSREA Press 2008, ISBN 1-60132-057-4 BibTeX
Virtual Environments
- Soon Tee Teoh:
River and Coastal Action in Automatic Terrain Generation.
3-9 BibTeX
- Anupam Agrawal, Josef Kohout, Gordon Clapworthy, Nigel Mcfarlane, Feng Dong, Marco Viceconti, Fulvia Taddei, Debora Testi:
Adapting the Storage of Large Medical Datasets to Enable Interactive Display.
10-15 BibTeX
- A. Arokiasamy:
Visualizing Platonic Solids with Shading, Colour Interpolation and Textures Using OpenGL.
16-21 BibTeX
- Andreas Gerndt, Torsten Kuhlen, Carolina Cruz-Neira:
Interactive Tracking of Three-Dimensional Critical Points in Unsteady, Large-scale CFD Datasets.
22-28 BibTeX
- Lei Zhao, TianMing Wang, Duanqing Xu:
A Real-time Seamless Car Display Platform Based on PC Cluster.
29-34 BibTeX
Tools and Applications
Simulation and Animation
- Guofeng Qin, Qiyan Li, Xiuying Deng:
Simulation and certification for collision between satellites in solar system celestial model.
49-54 BibTeX
- Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, Muhammad Salman Khan, Muhammad Noman Zafar:
Fatal Behaviors - Simulation of Suicide Bombing.
55-60 BibTeX
- Zhou Jie, Zhou Tianrui:
Fundamental Technology Research of RP&M Integrated Manufacturing System Based on STEP-NC.
61-64 BibTeX
- Farahzad Behi, Jonathan Jaynes:
Modeling Real-World in Software: Coping with Coordinate Systems.
65-70 BibTeX
- H. Keith Edwards, Sangmi Park, Joon Hyun Kim:
Making Two-Dimensional Animations in Alice.
71-76 BibTeX
- Lei Zhao, Wang Tianming, Duanqing Xu:
Real-Time Modeling and Rendering of Smoke Based on GPU.
77-82 BibTeX
Virtual Reality
- Ripon Kumar Saha, Naresh Chandra Biswas, Rameswar Debnath:
A New Approach for Adding Facial Expression to Neutral Face.
87-92 BibTeX
- Christina Bolas:
Avatar Personas of Second Life.
93-98 BibTeX
- Karthikeyan Mitran, Geetanjali Thambaiyaa, Arun Sebastian Edison, Karthick Jothi, Sowndarya Bala Balasubramanian, Sherin Asha Mary Pathi Xavier, Rao Narayana:
Development of Cost Effective, High Quality 3D Screen for 3D Visualization without attachments to the Eyes or to the Monitor.
99-105 BibTeX
- Bradley Wimpey, Walter Potter:
Generating Smooth Virtual Reality Maps Using 3D Building Blocks.
106-111 BibTeX
- Max M. North, Jeremy Hill, Ainonehi Aikhuele, Sarah M. North:
Virtual Reality Technology Assisting Communication Apprehension.
112-113 BibTeX
Late Papers
- Mauricio Plaza Torres:
Virtual Reality Technology and Physiological Parameters in the Phobias Treatments.
149-154 BibTeX
- Emre Baydogan, Lee A. Belfore II, Saurav Mazumdar:
Decoupled Agent Architecture for Virtual Operating Room Training Simulations.
155-160 BibTeX
- Xiao Yuan, B. Jianbin Song, C. Bo Li, D. Qinglei Meng:
Accelerating Motion Compensation of H.264 Video Decoder with GPU.
161-165 BibTeX
- Wei Peng, Wenliang Chen, Jianjiang Zeng:
A Shape Modification Algorithm with Curve Constraints.
166-168 BibTeX
- Thomas Sullivan, Benjamin A. Ring:
Matrix Operations Simulator Application in Java Using OpenGL.
169-173 BibTeX
- José Valentim Dos Santos Filho, Roberta Lima-Gomes, Aloysio De Castro Pinto Pedroza, Jean-Pierre Courtiat:
RECOLLVE - REpresenting COLLaboration in Virtual Environments.
174-180 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:01:12 2009
by Michael Ley (