
Guofeng Qin

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7EEGuofeng Qin, Qiyan Li, Xiuying Deng: Cluster Computing in Drug Logistic Monitoring and Management. CDVE 2008: 307-310
6 Guofeng Qin, Qiyan Li, Xiuying Deng: Simulation and certification for collision between satellites in solar system celestial model. CGVR 2008: 49-54
5 Guofeng Qin, Qiyan Li, Xiuying Deng: Aided Plan and Optimization of Road Routing in Cooperative Multi-Transportation System. MSV 2008: 191-194
4EEGuofeng Qin, Qiyan Li, Xiuying Deng: Resource Sharing and Remote Utilization in Communication Servers. CDVE 2007: 331-339
3EEGuofeng Qin, Qiyan Li: Dynamic Resource Dispatch Strategy for WebGIS Cluster Services. CDVE 2007: 349-352
2EEGuofeng Qin, Qiyan Li: An Information Integration Platform for Mobile Computing. CDVE 2006: 123-131
1EEGuofeng Qin, Qiyan Li: Study of the Intelligent Turning Machining Method Based on Geometrical Feature Recognition. CDVE 2005: 253-262

Coauthor Index

1Xiuying Deng [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Qiyan Li [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)