16. CAINE 2003:
Las Vegas,
Kendall E. Nygard (Ed.):
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, November 11-13, 2003, Imperial Palace Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
ISCA 2003, ISBN 1-880843-49-8 BibTeX
Information Systems/Databases
Image Processing/Signal Processing
Mobile Computing
Neural Networks/Fuzzy Logic
Internet and Web-Based Systems
Computer Security I
Pattern Recognition/Computer Vision
Computer Security II
Agent-Based Systems / Autonomous Systems
Data Mining
Knowledge-Based/Agent-Based/Web-Based Systems
Computer Modeling / Simulation
Computer-Aided Design / Manfacturing / Embedded Systems
Computer Networks
Medical Applications
and Signal Processing/Biomedical Systems
Computer Architecture / VLSI
Data / Wireless Communications / Datamining / VLSI
Software Development,
Frameworks and Tools
- Narayan C. Debnath, M. Peralta, C. Salgado, Ana Funes, Aristides Dasso, Daniel Riesco, German Montejano, Robert Uzal:
Web Programming Language Evaluation using LSP.
302-305 BibTeX
- Haesun K. Lee, Ilhyun Lee, Narayan C. Debnath:
Object-Oriented Approach of Bounded Predictable (BP) Task Scheduler.
306-309 BibTeX
- Luiz H. R. Sucupira, Lívia C. F. Araújo, Miguel Gustavo Lizárraga, Lee Luan Ling:
Evaluating Biometric Software Packages using a Practioners Methodology.
310-313 BibTeX
- Mark Burgin, Narayan C. Debnath:
Hardship of Program Utilization and User-Friendly Software.
314-317 BibTeX
Computers in Education / Software Engineering
Poster Papers
- Jia Lu:
An Optimal Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Precision Intelligent Tracking System.
326 BibTeX
- Hatem Fawzi Halaoui:
Survey and Models of Spatio-Temporal Databases.
327 BibTeX
- Ming-Chen Chung, Chun-Yuan Yu, Chen-Chih Yang, Chen-Ming Lin:
Embedded Home Gateway Systems in WAP Phone Control.
328 BibTeX
- George Hamer, Daniel Steinwand:
Extending the Beowulf Cluster to the Desktop.
329 BibTeX
- Guo-hua Liu, Ying Zhang, Zi-Jun Chen, Zi-Yang Chen:
Improvement to CNN Query.
330 BibTeX
- Zi-Yang Chen, Zhao-Hong Ma, Ying Wa, Guo-hua Liu:
Quantitative Association Rules Mining Methods with Privacy-Preserving.
331 BibTeX
- Albrecht M. Fritzsche:
Integrating optimization into a Scenario of Conflict Management.
332 BibTeX
- Eric Freeman, Katia Passos, Cerise Wuthrich, Catherine Stringfellow:
Hidden Challenges on Web Application Design.
333 BibTeX
- ChoonKi Ahn, Soo Hee Han, Wook Hyun Kwon:
An Equation Based Approach to the Implementation of Generalized PDE Solver in CEMTool.
334 BibTeX
- B. K. Das:
Design of State of the Art Video Tracker for Test Range Applications.
335 BibTeX
- Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner:
Applying the Perceptron Rule for Extraction of Keywords from Abstracts.
336 BibTeX
- Vijayakumar Shanmugasundaram:
Importance of Scientific Visualization Course in Curriculum.
337 BibTeX
- Steve Arnold, Cathy Osterhout, Chul Yim, Sergiu M. Dascalu:
Software Specification of a Web-Based Fitness Tracking Application.
338 BibTeX
- Gregory Vert, Aparna Phadnis, Rajasekhar Yakkali, Xin Yu:
Towards an Automated Adaptive Content Delivery Training System.
339 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:00:10 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)