
Clemente Izurieta

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6EEClemente Izurieta, James M. Bieman: Testing Consequences of Grime Buildup in Object Oriented Design Patterns. ICST 2008: 171-179
5EEClemente Izurieta, James M. Bieman: How Software Designs Decay: A Pilot Study of Pattern Evolution. ESEM 2007: 449-451
4 Clemente Izurieta: Case study: A tool centric approach for fault avoidance in microchip designs. SEDE 2007: 105-110
3EEClemente Izurieta, James M. Bieman: The evolution of FreeBSD and Linux. ISESE 2006: 204-211
2EEAndrew R. Curtis, Clemente Izurieta, Benson Joeris, Scott Lundberg, Ross M. McConnell: An Implicit Representation of Chordal Comparabilty Graphs in Linear-Time. WG 2006: 168-178
1 Clemente Izurieta: Semi Greedy Algorithm for Finding Connectivity in Microchip Physical Layouts. CAINE 2003: 276-281

Coauthor Index

1James M. Bieman [3] [5] [6]
2Andrew R. Curtis [2]
3Benson Joeris [2]
4Scott Lundberg [2]
5Ross M. McConnell [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)