
Eun-Kyung Ryu

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27EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Tsuyoshi Takagi: Efficient Conjunctive Keyword-Searchable Encryption. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 409-414
26EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Optimized Initiation Phases for Anonymous Auction Protocols. Human.Society@Internet 2005: 19-27
25EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Secure Protected Password Change Scheme. MMM-ACNS 2005: 472-477
24 Eun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Woo-Hun Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: Cryptanalysis of A Key Authentication Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms. Security and Management 2005: 72-78
23EEKee-Won Kim, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Cryptanalysis of Lee-Lee authenticated key agreement scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(1): 193-198 (2005)
22EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Fixing problems in Lin et al.'s OSPA protocol. Applied Mathematics and Computation 166(1): 46-57 (2005)
21EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Improvement of Fan et al.'s deniable authentication protocol based on Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 274-280 (2005)
20EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Improvement of Chien-Jan's authenticated multiple-key agreement protocol without using conventional one-way function. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(1): 711-715 (2005)
19EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Jae-Yuel Im, Kee-Young Yoo: Security of Tseng-Jan's conference key distribution system. Applied Mathematics and Computation 167(2): 833-839 (2005)
18EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Cryptanalysis and further improvement of Peinado's improved LHL-key authentication scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 168(2): 788-794 (2005)
17EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: On the security of efficient user identification scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(2): 1201-1205 (2005)
16EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: An improvement of Hwang-Lee-Tang's simple remote user authentication scheme. Computers & Security 24(1): 50-56 (2005)
15EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Attacks on the Shen et al.'s Timestamp-Based Password Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 319-321 (2005)
14EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Attacks and Solutions of Yang et al.'s Protected Password Changing Scheme. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 16(2): 285-294 (2005)
13EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Won Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: An Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol Resistant to a Dictionary Attack. ICCSA (4) 2004: 603-610
12EEKee-Young Yoo, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Jae-Yuel Im: Multiparty Key Agreement Protocol with Cheater Identification Based on Shamir Secret Sharing. ICCSA (4) 2004: 655-664
11EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Security of Shen et al.'s Timestamp-Based Password Authentication Scheme. ICCSA (4) 2004: 665-671
10EEKee-Won Kim, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: ID-Based Authenticated Multiple-Key Agreement Protocol from Pairings. ICCSA (4) 2004: 672-680
9EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Robust Remote User Authentication Scheme. ICOIN 2004: 935-942
8EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Eun-Jun Yoon, Kee-Young Yoo: An Efficient ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol from Pairings. NETWORKING 2004: 1458-1463
7EEEun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: A secure user authentication scheme using hash functions. Operating Systems Review 38(2): 62-68 (2004)
6 Kee-Won Kim, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Hyung-Mok Lee, Kee-Young Yoo: A New Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. CAINE 2003: 91-94
5 Hyoung-Mok Lee, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Won Kim, Jae-Min Lee, Kee-Young Yoo: A Robust Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 76-79
4EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Won Kim, Kee-Young Yoo: A Promising Key Agreement Protocol. ISAAC 2003: 655-662
3 Keum-Sook Ha, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: A Promising Labeling Scheme for On-the-fly Data Race Detection. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 475-478
2EEKeum-Sook Ha, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo: Space-Efficient First Race Detection in Shared Memory Programs with Nested Parallelism. PARA 2002: 253-263
1EEEun-Kyung Ryu, Keum-Sook Ha, Kee-Young Yoo: A Practical Method for On-the-Fly Data Race Detection. PARA 2002: 264-273

Coauthor Index

1Keum-Sook Ha [1] [2] [3]
2Jae-Yuel Im [12] [19]
3Kee-Won Kim [4] [5] [6] [10] [13] [23]
4Woo-Hun Kim [24]
5Hyoung-Mok Lee [5]
6Hyung-Mok Lee [6]
7Jae-Min Lee [5]
8Tsuyoshi Takagi [27]
9Kee-Young Yoo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
10Eun-Jun Yoon [7] [8] [9] [11] [14] [15] [16] [18] [20] [21] [22] [24] [25] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)