3. AISMC 1996: Steyr, Austria
Jacques Calmet, John A. Campbell, Jochen Pfalzgraf (Eds.):
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Mathematical Computation, International Conference AISMC-3, Steyr, Austria, September 23-25, 1996, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1138 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-61732-9 BibTeX
editor = {Jacques Calmet and
John A. Campbell and
Jochen Pfalzgraf},
title = {Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Mathematical Computation,
International Conference AISMC-3, Steyr, Austria, September 23-25,
1996, Proceedings},
booktitle = {AISMC},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1138},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-61732-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Dana S. Scott:
Symbolic Computation and Teaching.
1-20 BibTeX
- Andrej Bauer, Edmund M. Clarke, Xudong Zhao:
Analytica - An Experiment in Combining Theorem Proving and Symbolic Computation.
21-37 BibTeX
- Gregory Butler, Peter Grogono, Rajjan Shinghal, Indra A. Tjandra:
Document Recognition, Semantics, and Symbolic Reasoning in Reverse Engineering of Software.
38-48 BibTeX
- Fétima C. C. Dargam:
Compromised Updates in Labelled Databases.
49-70 BibTeX
- Eugenio Roanes-Lozano, Luis M. Laita, Eugenio Roanes-Macías:
An Inference Engine for Propositional Two-valued Logic Based on the Radical Membership Problem.
71-86 BibTeX
- Rüdiger Dillmann, Holger Friedrich:
Programming by Demonstration: A Machine Learning Approach to Support Skill Acquisiton for Robots.
87-108 BibTeX
- Gunther Reinhart, Rolf Diesch, Michael R. Koch:
Knowledge-Based Information Processing in Manufacturing Cells - The Present and the Future.
109-123 BibTeX
- Anthony G. Cohn:
Calculi for Qualitative Spatial Reasoning.
124-143 BibTeX
- Frédéric Benhamou, Laurent Granvilliers:
Combining Local Consistency, Symbolic Rewriting and Interval Methods.
144-159 BibTeX
- Reinhard Bündgen:
Proof Transformation for Non-Compatible Rewriting.
160-175 BibTeX
- Christopher Lynch, Polina Strogova:
PATCH Graphs: An Efficient Data Structure for Completion of Finitely Presented Groups.
176-190 BibTeX
- Brian J. Dupée:
Measuring the Likely Effectiveness of Strategies.
191-196 BibTeX
- Robert Rodosek:
A New Approach on Solving 3-Satisfiability.
197-212 BibTeX
- Dongming Wang:
Geometry Machines: From AI to SMC.
213-239 BibTeX
- Johannes Ueberberg:
Interactive Theorem Proving and Finite Projective Planes.
240-257 BibTeX
- Michael Joswig:
Towards Modelling the Topology of Homogeneous Manifolds by Means of Symbolic Computation.
258-273 BibTeX
- Denis Bouhineau:
Solving Geometrical Constraint Systems Using CLP Based on Linear Constraint Solver.
274-288 BibTeX
- Viorica Sofronie:
Towards a Sheaf Semantics for Cooperating Agents Scenarios.
289-304 BibTeX
- Vitaly Telerman, Dmitry Ushakov:
Data Types in Subdefinite Models.
305-319 BibTeX
- Nirina Andrianarivelo, Wadoud Bousdira, Jean-Marc Talbot:
On Theorem-Proving in Horn Theories with Built-in Algebras.
320-338 BibTeX
- Elmar Eder:
Backward Reasoning in Systems with Cut.
339-353 BibTeX
- Jan A. Plaza:
Soundness and Completeness versus Lifting Property.
354-364 BibTeX
- Antonio Gavilanes, Javier Leach, Pedro J. Martín, Susana Nieva:
Reasoning with Preorders and Dynamic Sorts Using Free Variable Tableaux.
365-379 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 22:57:30 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)