
Vitaly Telerman

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11EEVladimir Sidorov, Vitaly Telerman: Industrial Application of External Black-Box Functions in Constraint Programming Solver. Ershov Memorial Conference 2003: 415-422
10EEVitaly Telerman: Using Constraint Solvers in CAD/CAM Systems. Ershov Memorial Conference 2001: 446-456
9EEVladimir Sidorov, Vitaly Telerman, Dmitry Ushakov: Constraint Programming Techniques for Solving Problems on Graphs. Ershov Memorial Conference 1999: 424-433
8 Igor Shvetsov, Vitaly Telerman, Dmitry Ushakov: NeMo+: Object-Oriented Constraint Programming Environment Based on Subdefinite Models. CP 1997: 534-548
7EEVitaly Telerman, Vladimir Sidorov, Dmitry Ushakov: Object-Oriented Constraint Programming Environment NeMo+ and Its Applications. ICTAI 1997: 296-303
6EEIgor Shvetsov, A. Semenov, Vitaly Telerman: Application of subdefinite models in engineering. AI in Engineering 11(1): 15-24 (1997)
5 Vitaly Telerman, Dmitry Ushakov: Data Types in Subdefinite Models. AISMC 1996: 305-319
4 Vitaly Telerman, Vladimir Sidorov, Dmitry Ushakov: Problem Solving in the Object-Oriented Technological Environment NeMo+. Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 91-100
3 Vitaly Telerman, Dmitry Ushakov: Subdefinite Models as a Variety of Constraint Programming. ICTAI 1996: 157-164
2 Vitaly Telerman: Propagation of Mathematical Constraints in Subdefinite Models. AISMC 1994: 191-208
1 Alexander S. Narin'yani, Vitaly Telerman, V. E. Dmitriev: Virtual Data-Flow Machine as Vehicle of Inference/Computations in Knowledge Bases. AIMSA 1986: 149-154

Coauthor Index

1V. E. Dmitriev [1]
2Alexander S. Narin'yani [1]
3A. Semenov [6]
4Igor Shvetsov [6] [8]
5Vladimir Sidorov [4] [7] [9] [11]
6Dmitry Ushakov [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)