1998 |
8 | | Jacques Calmet,
Jan A. Plaza:
Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation, International Conference AISC'98, Plattsburgh, New York, USA, September 16-18, 1998, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
1996 |
7 | | Jan A. Plaza:
Soundness and Completeness versus Lifting Property.
AISMC 1996: 354-364 |
6 | | Jan A. Plaza:
Logic Programming from the Perspective of Algebraic Semantics.
Fundam. Inform. 28(1-2): 153-164 (1996) |
5 | | Jan A. Plaza:
On the Propositional SLDNF-Resolution.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 7(4): 359- (1996) |
1992 |
4 | | Jan A. Plaza:
Gentzen-style Characterizations of Negation as Failure.
AISMC 1992: 237-261 |
3 | | Jan A. Plaza:
Operators on Lattices of omega-Herbrand Interpretations.
LFCS 1992: 358-369 |
2 | | Jan A. Plaza:
Fully Declarative Logic Programming.
PLILP 1992: 415-427 |
1991 |
1 | | Jan A. Plaza:
Completeness for Propositional Logic Programs with Negation.
ISMIS 1991: 600-609 |