
André Montpetit

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6 Paul Camion, Bernard Courteau, André Montpetit: Weight distribution of cosets of 2-error-correcting binary BCH codes of length 15, 63 and 255. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(4): 1353- (1992)
5EEB. Courteau, André Montpetit: Dual distances of completely regular codes. Discrete Mathematics 89(1): 7-15 (1991)
4EEB. Courteau, André Montpetit: A class of codes admitting at most three nonzero dual distances. Discrete Mathematics 90(3): 267-280 (1991)
3 André Montpetit: Coherent partitions and codes. EUROCODE 1990: 106-113
2 Bertrand Courteau, André Montpetit: On Binary Codes of Order 3. AAECC 1988: 467-470
1EEAndré Montpetit: Note sur la notion d'equivalence entre deux codes lineaires. Discrete Mathematics 65(2): 177-185 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Camion [6]
2B. Courteau [4] [5]
3Bernard Courteau [6]
4Bertrand Courteau [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)