
Llorenç Huguet i Rotger

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31EEMacià Mut Puigserver, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Replay Attack in a Fair Exchange Protocol. ACNS 2008: 174-187
30EEMagdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Achieving Fairness and Timeliness in a Previous Electronic Contract Signing Protocol. ARES 2006: 717-722
29EEMagdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Solving Bao's Colluding Attack in Wang's Fair Payment Protocol. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 460-468
28EEMacià Mut Puigserver, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Certified e-Mail Protocol with Verifiable Third Party. EEE 2005: 548-551
27EEMagdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Anonymous Payment in a Fair E-Commerce Protocol with Verifiable TTP. TrustBus 2005: 60-69
26EEMagdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Fair Exchange to Achieve Atomicity in Payments of High Amounts Using Electronic Cash. ICCSA (1) 2004: 831-840
25EEMacià Mut Puigserver, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: A Voting System with Trusted Verifiable Services. ICCSA (1) 2004: 924-937
24EEMagdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Fair Exchange to Achieve Atomicity in Payments of High Amounts Using Electronic Cash. ICCSA (4) 2004: 223-232
23EEJosep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Optimality in Asynchronous Contract Signing Protocols. TrustBus 2004: 200-208
22EEJosep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: A Fully Anonymous Electronic Payment Scheme for B2B. ICWE 2003: 76-79
21EEMagdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: An Efficient Anonymous Scheme for Secure Micropayments. ICWE 2003: 80-83
20EEJosep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Apollònia Martínez Nadal, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: A Juridical Validation of a Contract Signing Protocol. EC-Web 2002: 343-352
19 Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: ITHAKI: Fair N-Transferable Anonymous Cash. ICEIS 2002: 900-907
18EEJosep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: A Realistic Protocol for Multi-party Certified Electronic Mail. ISC 2002: 210-219
17EEJosep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Efficient Optimistic N-Party Contract Signing Protocol. ISC 2001: 394-407
16EEMacià Mut Puigserver, Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Certified Electronic Mail Protocol Resistant to a Minority of Malicious Third Parties. INFOCOM 2000: 1401-1405
15EEJosep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: An Efficient Protocol for Certified Electronic Mail. ISW 2000: 237-248
14 Alexei E. Ashikhmin, Alexander Barg, Gérard D. Cohen, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Variations on Minimal Codewords in Linear Codes. AAECC 1995: 96-105
13 Gérard D. Cohen, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger, Gilles Zémor: Bounds on generalized weights. Algebraic Coding 1993: 270-277
12 Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: A cryptographic tool for programs protection. EUROCODE 1990: 227-240
11EEJosep Domingo-Ferrer, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Secure network bootstrapping: An algorithm for authentic key exchange and digital signitures. Computers & Security 9(2): 145-152 (1990)
10 Llorenç Huguet i Rotger, Alain Poli: Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, 5th International Conference, AAECC-5, Menorca, Spain, June 15-19, 1987, Proceedings Springer 1989
9EEJosep Domingo-Ferrer, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Full Secure Key Exchange and Authentication with no Previously Shared Secrets. EUROCRYPT 1989: 665-669
8 Josep M. Basart, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: An Approximation Algorithm for the TSP. Inf. Process. Lett. 31(2): 77-81 (1989)
7 Josep Rifà, Josep M. Basart, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: On Completely Regular Propelinear Codes. AAECC 1988: 341-355
6 J. L. Dalmau, J. A. Delgado, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger, Inma Ortuño Ortin, R. Valle: Concatenated coding schemes for HF channels. Coding Theory and Applications 1988: 269-278
5 Josep Rifà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: Characterization of Completely Regular Codes through P-Polynomial Association Schemes. AAECC 1986: 157-167
4 Josep M. Basart, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: From T(m) Triangular Graphs to Single-Error-Correcting Codes. AAECC 1986: 5-12
3 Mercè Griera, Josep Rifà, Llorenç Huguet i Rotger: On S-Sum-Sets and Projective Codes. AAECC 1985: 135-142
2 Llorenç Huguet i Rotger, Josep Rifà, Mercè Griera: Pseudo-Triple-Sum-Sets and Association Schemes. AAECC 1985: 143-149
1 Llorenç Huguet i Rotger, Mercè Griera: Association schemes and difference sets defined on two weight codes. AAECC 1984: 107-111

Coauthor Index

1Alexei E. Ashikhmin [14]
2Alexander Barg [14]
3Josep M. Basart [4] [7] [8]
4Gérard D. Cohen [13] [14]
5J. L. Dalmau [6]
6J. A. Delgado [6]
7Josep Domingo-Ferrer [9] [11] [12]
8Josep Lluís Ferrer-Gomila [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
9Mercè Griera [1] [2] [3]
10Apollònia Martínez Nadal [20]
11Inma Ortuño Ortin [6]
12Magdalena Payeras-Capellà [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [26] [27] [29] [30] [31]
13Alain Poli [10]
14Macià Mut Puigserver [16] [25] [28] [31]
15Josep Rifà (Josep Rifà-Coma) [2] [3] [5] [7]
16R. Valle [6]
17Gilles Zémor [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)