Volume 2,
- Jean-Claude Bermond, Pavol Hell, Jean-Jacques Quisquater:
Construction of Large Packet Radio Networks.
3-12 BibTeX
- Rainer Feldmann, Walter Unger:
The Cube-Connected Cycles Network Is a Subgraph of the Butterfly Network.
13-19 BibTeX
- Mitchell Flatebo, Ajoy Kumar Datta:
Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithms.
21-30 BibTeX
- Pilar de la Torre, Raymond Greenlaw, Teresa M. Przytycka:
Optimal Tree Ranking is in NC.
31-41 BibTeX
- Lorrie Fava Lindon:
Discriminating Analysis and Ist Application to Matrix by Vector Multiplication on the Pram.
43-50 BibTeX
- B. V. Purushotham, Anirban Basu, P. Sreenivasa Kumar, Lalit M. Patnaik:
Performance Estimation of LU Factorisation on Message Passing Multiprocessors.
51-60 BibTeX
- Michael Griebel:
The Combination Technique for the Sparse Grid Solution of PDE's on Multiprocessor Machines.
61-70 BibTeX
- Do-Hyung Kim, Kwang-Moo Choe, Taisook Han:
Refined Mark(s)-Set-Based Backtrack Literal Selection for and Parallelism in Logic Programs.
71-79 BibTeX
- Stuart Ullman, Bhagirath Narahari:
Mapping Binary Precedence Trees to Hypercubes.
81-87 BibTeX
- Ramesh Krishnamurti, Bhagirath Narahari:
Optimal Subcube Assignment for Partitionable Hypercubes.
89-95 BibTeX
- Jean Frédéric Myoupo:
Synthesizing Linear Systolic Arrays for Dynamic Programming Problems.
97-110 BibTeX
- Khaled A. Aly, Patrick W. Dowd:
Reconfigarable Parallel Computer Architecture Based on Wavelenght-Division Multiplexed Optical Interconnection Network.
117-127 BibTeX
- Suresh Rai, Jerry L. Trahan:
A Reconfiguration Technique for Fault Tolerance in a Hypercube.
129-138 BibTeX
- Antonio Corradi, Letizia Leonardi, Franco Zambonelli:
Load Balancing Strategies for Massively Parallel Architectures.
139-148 BibTeX
- Wen-Jing Hsu, Carl V. Page:
Embedding Mesh in a Large Family of Graphs.
149-155 BibTeX
- Stephan Olariu, Zhaofang Wen:
A Parallel Algorithm for Forest Reconstruction.
157-160 BibTeX
- C. S. Yang, Y. M. Tsai, C. Y. Liu:
Performance Evaluation of Multicast Wormhole Routing in D-Torus Multicomputers.
161-170 BibTeX
- Sumit Sur, Pradip K. Srimani:
A Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithm to Construct BFS Spanning Trees of a Symmetric Graph.
171-179 BibTeX
- David J. Haglin:
Approximating Maximum 2-CNF Satisfiability.
181-187 BibTeX
- Sarnath Ramnath:
DTML is Logspace Hard under NC1 Reductions.
189-193 BibTeX
- Michel Gastaldo, Michel Morvan, John Michael Robson:
Transitive Closure in Parallel on a Linear Network of Processors.
195-203 BibTeX
- Ian Parberry:
The Pairwise Sorting Network.
205-211 BibTeX
- Miroslaw Kutylowski, Rolf Wanka:
Periodic Sorting on Two-Dimensional Meshes.
213-220 BibTeX
- Pascal Berthomé:
Efficient K-Selection in Hypercube Multiprocessors.
221-230 BibTeX
- Selim G. Akl, Ivan Stojmenovic:
A Simple Optimal Systolic Algorithm for Generating Permutations.
231-239 BibTeX
- Hassan Elhage, Ivan Stojmenovic:
Systolic Generation of combinations from Arbitrary Elements.
241-248 BibTeX
- Dharmavani Bhagavathi, Stephan Olariu, James L. Schwing, Jingyuan Zhang:
Convex Polygon Problems on Meshes with Multiple Broadcasting.
249-256 BibTeX
- A. T. Ali, Erik L. Dagless:
A Parallel Processing Model for Real-Time Computer Vision-Aided Road Traffic Monitoring.
257-264 BibTeX
- Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen:
A Model of Speculative Parallelism.
265-272 BibTeX
- Michael Barnett, Christian Lengauer:
Unimodularity and the Prallelization of Loops.
273-281 BibTeX
- Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah, Jean-Claude König:
An Improvement of Maekawa's Mutual Exclusion Algorithm to Make It Fault-Tolerant.
283-290 BibTeX
- Anatoly E. Doroshenko:
On Asynchronous Avoidance of Deadlocks in Parallel Programs.
291-297 BibTeX
- Giulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli:
Constructing an Exact Parity Base Is in RNC2.
301-309 BibTeX
- Svante Carlsson, Jingsen Chen:
Parallel Constructions of Heaps and Min-Max Heaps.
311-320 BibTeX
- Eliezer A. Albacea:
Computation List Evaluation and Ist Applications.
321-329 BibTeX
- Terry Bossomaier, Natalina Isidoro, Adrian Loeff:
Dara Parallel Computation of Euclidean Distance Transforms.
331-339 BibTeX
- Bogdan S. Chlebus:
Two Selection Algorithms on a Mesh-Connected Computer.
341-346 BibTeX
- José Duato:
Channel Classes: A New Concept for Deadlock Avoidance in Wormhole Networks.
347-354 BibTeX
- Andrzej Pelc:
Broadcasting time in Sparse Networks with Faulty Transmissions.
355-361 BibTeX
- Evripidis Bampis, Jean-Claude König, Denis Trystram:
A Low Overhead Schedule for a 3D-Grid Graph.
363-372 BibTeX
- Patrick M. Lenders:
Multi-Rate Arrays and Affince Recurrence Equations.
373-380 BibTeX
- Ivan De Falco, Renato Del Balio, Ernesto Tarantino, Roberto Vaccaro:
Simulation of Genetic Algorithms on MIMD Multicomputers.
381-389 BibTeX
- Theodore Johnson, Timothy A. Davis:
Parallel Buddy Memory Management.
391-398 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:16:43 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)