
Chung-Kwong Yuen

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38EEHai-Chen Wang, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Exploiting an abstract-machine-based framework in the design of a Java ILP processor. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 55(1): 53-60 (2009)
37EEHai-Chen Wang, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Exploiting dataflow to extract Java instruction level parallelism on a tag-based multi-issue semi in-order (TMSI) processor. IPDPS 2006
36EELiang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: The Performance Model of SilkRoad - A Multithreaded DSM System for Clusters. CCGRID 2003: 495-501
35EELiang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: SilkRoad II: mixed paradigm cluster computing with RC_dag consistency. Parallel Computing 29(8): 1091-1115 (2003)
34EELiang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: SilkRoad II: A Multi-Paradigm Runtime System for Cluster Computing. CLUSTER 2002: 443-444
33EELiang Peng, Weng-Fai Wong, Ming-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: SilkRoad: A Multithreaded Runtime System with Software Distributed Shared Memory for SMP Clusters. CLUSTER 2000: 243-249
32EEC. P. Tan, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: tmPVM - Task Migratable PVM. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 196-202
31EELiang Peng, Ming-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Evaluation of the Performance of Multithreaded Cilk Runtime System on SMP Clusters. IWCC 1999: 43-
30EEMing-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Detection of Races and Control-Flow Nondeterminism. LCR 1998: 351-358
29 Chung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng: Active Objects as Atomic Control Structures in BaLinda K. Comput. Lang. 24(4): 229-244 (1998)
28 Chung-Kwong Yuen: Parallel Programming - A Critique. Parallel Computing 23(3): 369-380 (1997)
27 Ming-Dong Feng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: BaLinda Lisp: Design and Implementation. Comput. Lang. 22(4): 205-214 (1996)
26EEChung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng, Jenn-Jong Yee: BaLinda suite of languages and implementations. Journal of Systems and Software 32(3): 251-267 (1996)
25 Chung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng: Tail-Recursive Parallel Summing of a Multi-List. SIGPLAN Notices 31(1): 20-21 (1996)
24 Ming-Dong Feng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Design and Implementation of Abstract Machine for Parallel Lisp Compilation. ICPP (2) 1995: 37-44
23 Ming-Dong Feng, Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Compiling Parallel Lisp for a Shared Memory Multiprocessor. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems 1995: 487-490
22 Ming-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Parallel Lisp Compilation for Distributed Systems. Australian Computer Journal 27(3): 77-91 (1995)
21EEMing-Dong Feng, Yaoqing Gao, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Implementing Linda Tuplespace on a Distributed System. International Journal of High Speed Computing 7(1): 125-144 (1995)
20 Chung-Kwong Yuen: A Functional FOR Loop. SIGPLAN Notices 30(9): 21-24 (1995)
19 Chung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng: Iterative Computation and Speculative Processing. Software - Concepts and Tools 16(1): 41- (1995)
18 Chung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng: BaLinda Plus: Adding Objects to Parallel Languages. Software - Concepts and Tools 16(3): 95-105 (1995)
17 Ming-Dong Feng, Yaoqing Gao, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Distributed Linda Tuplespace Algorithms and Implementations. CONPAR 1994: 581-592
16 Chung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng: Parallel Multiplication: A Case Study in Parallel Programming. SIGPLAN Notices 29(3): 12-17 (1994)
15 Chung-Kwong Yuen: Programming the Premature Loop Exit: From Functional to Navigational. SIGPLAN Notices 29(3): 23-27 (1994)
14EEChung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng: Breadth-first search in the Eight Queens Problem. SIGPLAN Notices 29(9): 51-55 (1994)
13 Chung-Kwong Yuen, Ming-Dong Feng, Jenn-Jong Yee: Speculative Parallelism in BaLinda Lisp. ICCI 1993: 261-265
12 Ming-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Compiling a Parallel Lisp Dialect for a Network of Transputers. PARCO 1993: 295-302
11EEJenn-Jong Yee, Chung-Kwong Yuen: Transputer-based emulation of a data-driven LISP machine: BIDDLE. Journal of Systems and Software 23(1): 51-63 (1993)
10 Yaoqing Gao, Chung-Kwong Yuen: A Survey of Implementations of Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Smalltalk. SIGPLAN Notices 28(9): 29-35 (1993)
9EEMing-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: A Transputer-Based Parallel Lisp Implementation. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 83-90
8EEMing-Dong Feng, Chung-Kwong Yuen: A Transputer-Based Parallel Lisp Implementation. International Journal of High Speed Computing 4(1): 23-42 (1992)
7 Weng-Fai Wong, Chung-Kwong Yuen: A Model of Speculative Parallelism. Parallel Processing Letters 2: 265-272 (1992)
6EEChung-Kwong Yuen: An abstract machine design for lexically scoped parallel Lisp with speculative processing. SIGPLAN Notices 27(11): 77-84 (1992)
5EEChung-Kwong Yuen: Hamming numbers, lazy evaluation, and eager disposal. SIGPLAN Notices 27(8): 71-75 (1992)
4EEChung-Kwong Yuen: Which model of programming for LISP: sequential, functional or mixed? SIGPLAN Notices 26(10): 83-92 (1991)
3EEChung-Kwong Yuen, Weng-Fai Wong: A self interpreter for BaLinda Lisp. SIGPLAN Notices 25(7): 39-58 (1990)
2 Chung-Kwong Yuen: Testing Random Number Generators by Walsh Transform. IEEE Trans. Computers 26(4): 329-333 (1977)
1 Chung-Kwong Yuen: Function Approximation by Walsh Series. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(6): 590-598 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Ming-Dong Feng [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [31] [33]
2Yaoqing Gao [10] [17] [21]
3Liang Peng [31] [33] [34] [35] [36]
4C. P. Tan [32]
5Hai-Chen Wang [37] [38]
6Weng-Fai Wong [3] [7] [23] [24] [27] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36]
7Jenn-Jong Yee [11] [13] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)