Volume 56,
Number 1,
March 1991
Volume 56,
Number 2,
June 1991
- Grigori Mints:
Proof Theory in the USSR 1925-1969.
385-424 BibTeX
- Paul Bankston:
Corrigendum to ``Taxonomies of Model-Theoretically Defined Topological Properties''.
425-426 BibTeX
- Leszek Pacholski, Wieslaw Szwast:
Asymptotic Probabilities of Existential Second-Order Gödel Structures.
427-438 BibTeX
- Kai Hauser:
Indescribable Cardinals and Elementary Embeddings.
439-457 BibTeX
- Richard Kaye:
A Generalization of Specker's Theorem on Typical Ambiguity.
458-466 BibTeX
- M. D. G. Swaen:
The Logic of First Order Intuitionistic Type Theory with Weak Sigma-Elimination.
467-483 BibTeX
- Ido Efrat:
The Elementary Theory of Free Pseudo p-adically Closed Fields of Finite Corank.
484-496 BibTeX
- Kevin Lano:
Intuitionistic Modal Logic and Set Theory.
497-516 BibTeX
- Silvio Ghilardi:
Incompleteness Results in Kripke Semantics.
517-538 BibTeX
- Luc Bélair:
Anneaux p-Adiquement Clos et Anneaux de Fonctions Définissables.
539-553 BibTeX
- Robert Goldblatt:
The McKinsey Axiom Is Not Canonical.
554-562 BibTeX
- Peter G. Hinman, Theodore A. Slaman:
Jump Embeddings in Turing Degrees.
563-591 BibTeX
- Mitchell Spector:
Extended Ultrapowers and the Vopenka-Hrbácek Theorem Without Choice.
592-607 BibTeX
- Michal Krynicki, Hans-Peter Tuschik:
An Axiomatization of the Logic with the Rough Quantifier.
608-617 BibTeX
- I. Aguzarov, R. E. Farey, John B. Goode:
An Infinite Superstable Group Has Infinitely Many Conjugacy Classes.
618-623 BibTeX
- John B. Goode:
Some Trivial Considerations.
624-631 BibTeX
- Yiannis Vourtsanis:
A Direct Proof of the Feferman-Vaught Theorem and Other Preservations Theorems in Products.
632-636 BibTeX
- Joseph Y. Halpern:
Presburger Arithmetic with Unarr Predicates is Pi11 Complete.
637-642 BibTeX
- Robert A. Di Paola, Franco Montagna:
Some Properties of the Syntactic p-Recursion Categories Generated by Consistent, Recursively Enumerable Extensions of Peano Arithmetic.
643-660 BibTeX
- Daniel N. Osherson, Michael Stob, Scott Weinstein:
A Universal Inductive Inference Machine.
661-672 BibTeX
- Christopher J. Ash:
A Construction for Recursive Linear Orderings.
673-683 BibTeX
- Carl G. Jockusch Jr., A. Lewis, Jeffrey B. Remmel:
Pi01-Classes and Rado's Selection Principle.
684-693 BibTeX
- Ali Nesin:
Poly-Separated and omega-Stable Nilpotent Groups.
694-699 BibTeX
- Sedki Boughattas:
L'Arithemétique Ouverte et ses Modèles Non-Standards.
700-714 BibTeX
- Michael Rathjen:
The Role of Parameters in Bar Rule and Bar Induction.
715-730 BibTeX
- Hirokazu Nishimura:
Boolean Valued Lie Algebras.
731-741 BibTeX
- Steve Jackson, R. Daniel Mauldin:
Nonuniformization Results for the Projective Hierarchy.
742-748 BibTeX
Volume 56,
Number 3,
September 1991
- Haim Judah, Saharon Shelah:
Forcing Minimal Degree of Constructibility.
769-782 BibTeX
- Luc Bélair, Jean-Louis Duret:
Définissabilité dans les Corps de Fonctions p-Adiques.
783-785 BibTeX
- Marion Scheepers:
Concerning n-Tactics in the Countable-Finite Game.
786-794 BibTeX
- Jörg Brendle:
Larger Cardinals in Cichon's Diagram.
795-810 BibTeX
- Margarita Otero:
Corrigendum: On Diophantine Equations Solvable in Models of Open Induction.
811-812 BibTeX
- Siu-Ah Ng:
A Generalization of Forking.
813-822 BibTeX
- Siu-Ah Ng:
Definable FN Bases.
823-831 BibTeX
- Bradd Hart, Matthew Valeriote:
A Structure Theorem for Strongly Abelian Varieties with Few Models.
832-852 BibTeX
- Françoise Delon, Danielle Gondard:
XVIIème Problème de Hilbert sur les Corps Chaiîne-Clos.
853-861 BibTeX
- Michael Scanlan:
Who Were the American Postulate Theorists.
981-1002 BibTeX
- Masanori Itai:
On the Strong Martin Conjecture.
862-875 BibTeX
- Dugald Macpherson, James H. Schmerl:
Binary Relational Structures Having Only Countably Many Nonisomorphic Substructures.
876-884 BibTeX
- Zofia Adamowicz:
On Maximal Theories.
885-890 BibTeX
- Leonard M. Adleman, Manuel Blum:
Inductive Inference and Unsolvability.
891-900 BibTeX
- Kees Doets:
Axiomatizing Universal Properties of Quantifiers.
901-905 BibTeX
- Bosko Zivaljevic:
U-Meager Sets when the Cofinality and the Coinitiality of U Are Uncountable.
906-914 BibTeX
- Ali Nesin:
On Bad Groups, Bad Fields, and Pseudoplanes.
915-931 BibTeX
- M. Victoria Marshall, Rolando Chuaqui:
Sentences of Type Theory: The Only Sentences Preserved Under Isomorphisms.
932-948 BibTeX
- Richard Kaye:
Model-Theoretic Properties Characterizing Peano Arithmetic.
949-963 BibTeX
- Jaap van Oosten:
Extension of Lifschitz' Realizability to Higher Order Arithmetic, and a Solution to a Problem of F. Richman.
964-973 BibTeX
- Françoise Delon:
Plongement Dense d'un Corps Ordonné dans sa Clôture Réelle.
974-980 BibTeX
- Anand Pillay:
Some Remarks on Modular Regular Types.
1003-1011 BibTeX
- Erik Palmgren:
A Construction of Type: Type in Martin-Löf's Partial Type Theory with One Universe.
1012-1015 BibTeX
- H. Jerome Keisler, James H. Schmerl:
Making the Hyperreal Line Both Saturated and Complete.
1016-1025 BibTeX
- Frank O. Wagner:
Small Stable Groups and Generics.
1026-1037 BibTeX
- Gaisi Takeuti:
A Second Order Version of Si2 and U12.
1038-1063 BibTeX
- R. Zrotowski:
Normality and P(kappa)/J.
1064-1067 BibTeX
- Martin Kummer:
Diagonals and Semihyperhypersimple Sets.
1068-1074 BibTeX
- Masahiro Kumabe:
Relative Recursive Enumerability of Generic Degrees.
1075-1084 BibTeX
Volume 56,
Number 4,
December 1991
- Heinrich Herre, Michal Krynicki, Alexander Pinus, Jouko A. Väänänen:
The Härtig Quantifier: A Survey.
1153-1183 BibTeX
- Steven Buechler:
Pseudoprojective Strongly Minimal Sets Are Locally Projective.
1184-1194 BibTeX
- James E. Baumgartner, Otmar Spinas:
Independence and Consistency Proofs in Quadratic Form Theory.
1195-1211 BibTeX
- Robert Bonnet, Matatyahu Rubin:
Elementary Embeddings Between Countable Boolean Algebras.
1212-1229 BibTeX
- Franco Parlamento, Alberto Policriti:
Expressing Infinity Without Foundation.
1230-1235 BibTeX
- Françoise Delon:
Indécidabilité de la Théorie des Paires Immédiates de Corps Valués Henseliens.
1236-1242 BibTeX
- Colin McLarty:
Axiomatizing a Category of Categories.
1243-1260 BibTeX
- L. A. Chagrova:
An Undecidable Problem in Correspondence Theory.
1261-1272 BibTeX
- Jacek Cichon, M. Morayne, Janusz Pawlikowski, Slawomir Solecki:
Decomposing Baire Functions.
1273-1283 BibTeX
- Z. Balogh, G. Gruenhage:
On a Problem of C. H. Dowker.
1284-1289 BibTeX
- Shaughan Lavine:
Dual Easy Uniformization and Model-Theoretic Descriptive Set Theory.
1290-1316 BibTeX
- Dugald Macpherson:
Interpreting Groups in omega-Categorical Structures.
1317-1324 BibTeX
- Tom Linton:
Countable Structures, Ehrenfeucht Stratagies, and Wadge Reductions.
1325-1348 BibTeX
- Hajime Ishihara:
Continuity and Nondiscontinuity in Constructive Mathematics.
1349-1354 BibTeX
- Stanley Burris, Ralph McKenzie, Matthew Valeriote:
Decidable Discriminator Varieties from Unary Varieties.
1355-1368 BibTeX
- Alessandro Andretta:
Building Iteration Trees.
1369-1384 BibTeX
- Andreas Baudisch:
A Construction of Superstable NDOP-NOTOP Groups.
1385-1390 BibTeX
- Ali Nesin:
Generalized Fitting Subgroup of a Group of Finite Morley Rank.
1391-1399 BibTeX
- Péter Komjáth:
A Set Mapping with No Infinite Free Subsets.
1400-1402 BibTeX
- V. Michele Abrusci:
Phase Semantics and Sequent Calculus for Pure Noncommutative Classical Linear Propositional Logic.
1403-1451 BibTeX
- James Cain, Zlatan Damnjanovic:
On the Weak Kleene Scheme in Kripke's Theory of Truth.
1452-1468 BibTeX
- Marcus Kracht, Frank Wolter:
Properties of Independently Axiomatizable Bimodal Logics.
1469-1485 BibTeX
- Harold T. Hodes:
Corrections to ``Where Do Sets Come From?''.
1486 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:11:58 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)