
Roberto Todeschini

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5EEViviana Consonni, Roberto Todeschini, Manuela Pavan: Structure/Response Correlations and Similarity/Diversity Analysis by GETAWAY Descriptors, 1. Theory of the Novel 3D Molecular Descriptors. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(3): 682-692 (2002)
4EEViviana Consonni, Roberto Todeschini, Manuela Pavan, Paola Gramatica: Structure/Response Correlations and Similarity/Diversity Analysis by GETAWAY Descriptors, 2. Application of the Novel 3D Molecular Descriptors to QSAR/QSPR Studies. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(3): 693-705 (2002)
3EEGianpaolo Bravi, Emanuela Gancia, Paolo Mascagni, Monica Pegna, Roberto Todeschini, Andrea Zaliani: MS-WHIM, new 3D theoretical descriptors derived from molecular surface properties: A comparative 3D QSAR study in a series of steroids. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 11(1): 79-92 (1997)
2 Laura Belvisi, Gianpaolo Bravi, Carlo Scolastico, Anna Vulpetti, Aldo Salimbeni, Roberto Todeschini: A 3D QSAR approach to the search for geometrical similarity in a series of nonpeptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 8(2): 211-220 (1994)
1 U. Cosentino, G. Moro, D. Pitea, S. Scolastico, Roberto Todeschini, Carlo Scolastico: Pharmacophore identification by molecular modeling and chemometrics: The case of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 6(1): 47-60 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Laura Belvisi [2]
2Gianpaolo Bravi [2] [3]
3Viviana Consonni [4] [5]
4U. Cosentino [1]
5Emanuela Gancia [3]
6Paola Gramatica [4]
7Paolo Mascagni [3]
8G. Moro [1]
9Manuela Pavan [4] [5]
10Monica Pegna [3]
11D. Pitea [1]
12Aldo Salimbeni [2]
13Carlo Scolastico [1] [2]
14S. Scolastico [1]
15Anna Vulpetti [2]
16Andrea Zaliani [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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