In Memoriam Paris C. Kanellakis.
Serge Abiteboul, Gabriel M. Kuper, Harry G. Mairson, Alexander A. Shvartsman, Moshe Y. Vardi:
In Memoriam Paris C. Kanellakis.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(1): 3-15(1996)@article{DBLP:journals/csur/AbiteboulKMSV96,
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- [Abiteboul and Kanellakis 1989]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Serge Abiteboul:
Database Theory Column: Deciding Bounded Recursion in Database Logic Programs.
SIGACT News 20(4): 17-23(1989) BibTeX
- [Cosmadakis et al. 1988]
- Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Haim Gaifman, Paris C. Kanellakis, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Decidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs (Preliminary Report).
STOC 1988: 477-490 BibTeX
- [Cosmadakis and Kanellakis 1986]
- Stavros S. Cosmadakis, Paris C. Kanellakis:
Parallel Evaluation of Recursive Rule Queries.
PODS 1986: 280-293 BibTeX
- [Hillebrand et al. 1995]
- Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis, Harry G. Mairson, Moshe Y. Vardi:
Undecidable Boundedness Problems for Datalog Programs.
J. Log. Program. 25(2): 163-190(1995) BibTeX
- [Kanellakis 1988]
- Paris C. Kanellakis:
Logic Programming and Parallel Complexity.
Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming. 1988: 547-585 BibTeX
- [Kanellakis 1990]
- Paris C. Kanellakis:
Elements of Relational Database Theory.
Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume B: Formal Models and Sematics (B) 1990: 1073-1156 BibTeX
- [Abiteboul and Kanellakis 1989]
- Serge Abiteboul, Paris C. Kanellakis:
Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive.
J. ACM 45(5): 798-842(1998) BibTeX
- [Abiteboul and Kanellakis 1991]
- Serge Abiteboul, Paris C. Kanellakis:
The Two Facets of Object-Oriented Data Models.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 14(2): 3-7(1991) BibTeX
- [Abiteboul et al. 1995]
- Serge Abiteboul, Paris C. Kanellakis, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Emmanuel Waller:
Method Schemas.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 51(3): 433-455(1995) BibTeX
- [Bancilhon et al. 1992]
- François Bancilhon, Claude Delobel, Paris C. Kanellakis (Eds.):
Building an Object-Oriented Database System, The Story of O2.
Morgan Kaufmann 1992, ISBN 1-55860-169-4
Contents BibTeX
- [Chandra and Harel 1985]
- Ashok K. Chandra, David Harel:
Horn Clauses Queries and Generalizations.
J. Log. Program. 2(1): 1-15(1985) BibTeX
- [Hillebrand et al. 1994]
- Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis, Sridhar Ramaswamy:
Functional Programming Formalisms for OODBMS Methods.
NATO ASI OODBS 1993: 73-99 BibTeX
- [Benedikt et al. 1995]
- Michael Benedikt, Guozhu Dong, Leonid Libkin, Limsoon Wong:
Relational Expressive Power of Constraint Query Languages.
PODS 1996: 5-16 BibTeX
- [Goldin and Kanellakis 1996]
- Dina Q. Goldin, Paris C. Kanellakis:
Constraint Query Algebras.
Constraints 1(1/2): 45-83(1996) BibTeX
- [Kanellakis and Goldin 1994]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Dina Q. Goldin:
Constraint Programming and Database Query Languages.
TACS 1994: 96-120 BibTeX
- [Kanellakis et al. 1995]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Gabriel M. Kuper, Peter Z. Revesz:
Constraint Query Languages.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 51(1): 26-52(1995) BibTeX
- [Kanellakis et al. 1993]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Sridhar Ramaswamy, Darren Erik Vengroff, Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Indexing for Data Models with Constraints and Classes.
PODS 1993: 233-243 BibTeX
- [Ramaswamy and Kanellakis 1995]
- Sridhar Ramaswamy, Paris C. Kanellakis:
OODB Indexing by Class-Division.
SIGMOD Conference 1995: 139-150 BibTeX
- [Buss et al. 1996]
- Jonathan F. Buss, Paris C. Kanellakis, Prabhakar Ragde, Alexander A. Shvartsman:
Parallel Algorithms with Processor Failures and Delays.
J. Algorithms 20(1): 45-86(1996) BibTeX
- [Kanellakis et al. 1994]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Dimitrios Michailidis, Alexander A. Shvartsman:
Efficient Parallelism vs Reliable Distribution: A Trade-off for Concurrent Computations.
CONCUR 1994: 242-266 BibTeX
- [Kanellakis et al. 1995]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Dimitrios Michailidis, Alexander A. Shvartsman:
Controlling Memory Access Concurrency in Efficient Fault-Tolerant Parallel Algorithms (Extended Abstract).
WDAG 1993: 99-114 BibTeX
- [Kanellakis and Shvartsman 1992]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Alexander A. Shvartsman:
Efficient Parallel Algorithms can be Made Robust.
Distributed Computing 5(4): 201-217(1992) BibTeX
- [Kanellakis and Shvartsman 1991]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Alexander A. Shvartsman:
Efficient Parallel Algorithms on Restartable Fail-Stop Processors.
PODC 1991: 23-36 BibTeX
- [Kanellakis and Shvartsman 1994]
- ...
- [Abiteboul and Beeri 1988]
- Serge Abiteboul, Catriel Beeri:
The Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Values.
VLDB J. 4(4): 727-794(1995) BibTeX
- [Dwork et al. 1984]
- Cynthia Dwork, Paris C. Kanellakis, John C. Mitchell:
On the Sequential Nature of Unification.
J. Log. Program. 1(1): 35-50(1984) BibTeX
- [Hillebrand and Kanellakis 1994]
- Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis:
Functional Database Query Languages as Typed Lambda Calculi of Fixed Order.
PODS 1994: 222-231 BibTeX
- [Hillebrand and Kanellakis 1995]
- Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis:
On the Expressive Power of Simply Typed and Let-Polymorphic Lambda Calculi.
LICS 1996: 253-263 BibTeX
- [Hillebrand et al. 1993]
- Gerd G. Hillebrand, Paris C. Kanellakis, Harry G. Mairson:
Database Query Languages Embedded in the Typed Lambda Calculus.
LICS 1993: 332-343 BibTeX
- [Hillebrand et al. 1994]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Gerd G. Hillebrand, Harry G. Mairson:
An Analysis of the Core-ML Language: Expressive Power and Type Reconstruction.
ICALP 1994: 83-105 BibTeX
- [Immerman 1986]
- Neil Immerman:
Relational Queries Computable in Polynomial Time.
Information and Control 68(1-3): 86-104(1986) BibTeX
- [Kanellakis et al. 1991]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, Harry G. Mairson, John C. Mitchell:
Unification and ML-Type Reconstruction.
Computational Logic - Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson 1991: 444-478 BibTeX
- [Kanellakis and Mitchell 1989]
- Paris C. Kanellakis, John C. Mitchell:
Polymorphic Unification and ML Typing.
POPL 1989: 105-115 BibTeX
- [Mairson 1992]
- Harry G. Mairson:
A Simple Proof of a Theorem of Statman.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 103(2): 387-394(1992) BibTeX
- [Meyer 1975]
- ...
- [Statman 1979]
- Richard Statman:
The Typed lambda-Calculus is not Elementary Recursive.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 9: 73-81(1979) BibTeX
- [Vardi 1982]
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
The Complexity of Relational Query Languages (Extended Abstract).
STOC 1982: 137-146 BibTeX
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