Volume 12,
Numbers 1-2,
- Franz Wotawa:
Model-Based Reasoning (Guest Editor's Introduction).
1-3 BibTeX
- Friedrich Steimann, Peter Fröhlich, Wolfgang Nejdl:
Model-Based Diagnosis for Open Systems Fault Management.
5-17 BibTeX
- Gregory M. Provan, David Glover:
An Approach for Integrating Multi-Modal, Model-Based Diagnostic Components.
19-32 BibTeX
- Fulvio Cascio, Luca Console, Marcella Guagliumi Massimo Osella, Andrea Panati, Sara Sottano, Daniele Theseider Dupré:
Generating On-Board Diagnostics of Dynamic Automotive Systems Based on Qualitative Models.
33-43 BibTeX
- N. A. Snooke:
Simulating Electrical Devices with Complex Behaviour.
45-59 BibTeX
- Juan J. Flores, Arthur M. Farley:
Reasoning about Linear Circuits: A Model-Based Approach.
61-77 BibTeX
- Frank Schiller, Jochen Schröder:
Combining Qualitative Model-Based Diagnosis and Observation within Fault-Tolerant Systems.
79-98 BibTeX
- Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer:
The Diagnosis Frontend of the dlv System.
99-111 BibTeX
- Ana Arruarte Lasa:
Fundamentals and Design of IRIS: A Shell for Building Intelligent Teaching-Learning Systems.
113-114 BibTeX
- Luc Dehaspe:
Frequent Pattern Discovery in First-Order Logic.
115-117 BibTeX
- Hendrik Blockeel:
Top-Down Induction of First Order Logical Decision Trees.
119-120 BibTeX
Volume 12,
Number 3,
- M. H. Lee:
On Models, Modelling and the Distinctive Nature of Model-Based Reasoning.
127-137 BibTeX
- Peter A. Flach, Iztok Savnik:
Database Dependency Discovery: A Machine Learning Approach.
139-160 BibTeX
- Douglas E. Appelt:
Introduction to Information Extraction.
161-172 BibTeX
- Alípio Jorge:
Iterative Induction of Logic Programs, An approach to logic program synthesis from incomplete specifications.
173-174 BibTeX
- Paola Rizzo:
Personalities in Believable Agents: a goal-based model and its realization with an integrated planning architecture.
175 BibTeX
Volume 12,
Number 4,
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:49:52 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)