
David Riaño

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30 David Riaño: Knowledge Management for Health Care Procedures, From Knowledge to Global Care, AIME 2007 Workshop K4CARE 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 7, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2008
29EEJohn A. Bohada, David Riaño, Francis Real: Induction of Partial Orders to Predict Patient Evolutions in Medicine. AIME 2007: 489-499
28EEDavid Riaño: The SDA Model: A Set Theory Approach. CBMS 2007: 563-568
27EEJoan Albert López-Vallverdú, David Riaño, Antoni Collado: Increasing Acceptability of Decision Trees with Domain Attributes Partial Orders. CBMS 2007: 569-574
26EEFrancis Real, David Riaño, John A. Bohada: Automatic Generation of Formal Intervention Plans Based on the SDA Representation Model. CBMS 2007: 575-580
25EEAida Kamisalic, David Riaño, Francis Real, Tatjana Welzer: Temporal Constraints Approximation from Data about Medical Procedures. CBMS 2007: 581-588
24EEDavid Riaño, Joan Albert López-Vallverdú, Samson Tu: Mining Hospital Data to Learn SDA* Clinical Algorithms. K4CARE 2007: 46-61
23EEAida Kamisalic, David Riaño, Tatjana Welzer: Generating Macro-Temporality in Timed Transition Diagrams. K4CARE 2007: 62-74
22EEFrancis Real, David Riaño: Automatic Combination of Formal Intervention Plans Using SDA* Representation Model. K4CARE 2007: 75-86
21 John A. Bohada, David Riaño: Knowledge production and integration for diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in medicine. CCIA 2005: 149-156
20EEDavid Riaño, S. L. Ustin, L. Usero, Miguel Ángel Patricio Guisado: Estimation of Fuel Moisture Content Using Neural Networks. IWINAC (2) 2005: 489-498
19 David Riaño: Time-Independent Rule-Based Guideline Induction. ECAI 2004: 535-538
18EEDavid Riaño: Ordered Time-Independent CIG Learning. ISBMDA 2004: 117-128
17EEDavid Riaño, Ioannis Aslanidis: Finding Relations in Medical Diagnoses and Procedures. ISBMDA 2004: 269-280
16EETatjana Welzer, David Riaño, Bostjan Brumen, Marjan Druzovec: Internationalization Content in Intelligent Systems - How to Teach it? KES 2004: 1039-1044
15EEDavid Riaño, Antonio Moreno, David Isern, Jaime Bocio, David Sánchez, Laureano Jiménez: Knowledge Exploitation from the Web. PAKM 2004: 175-185
14EEArantza Aldea, René Bañares-Alcántara, Laureano Jiménez, Antonio Moreno, Juan Martínez-Miranda, David Riaño: The scope of application of multi-agent systems in the process industry: three case studies. Expert Syst. Appl. 26(1): 39-47 (2004)
13EEDavid Riaño: Guideline Composition from Minimum Basic Data Set. CBMS 2003: 231-235
12EEDavid Riaño, Javier Gramajo: Medical Data Extraction and Organization from the Internet. CBMS 2003: 379-384
11EEArantza Aldea, René Bañares-Alcántara, Jaime Bocio, Javier Gramajo, David Isern, Antonis Kokossis, Laureano Jiménez, Antonio Moreno, David Riaño: An Ontology-Based Knowledge Management Platform. IIWeb 2003: 177-182
10EEDavid Riaño, Susana Prado: The Study of Medical Costs with Intelligent Information Systems. CBMS 2002: 343-346
9EEDavid Riaño, Susana Prado, Antonio Pascual, Silvestre Martín: A Multi-Agent System Model to Support Palliative Care Units. CBMS 2002: 35-40
8EEDavid Riaño, Susana Prado: Improving HISYS1 with a Decision Support System. AIME 2001: 140-143
7EEArantza Aldea, Beatriz López, Antonio Moreno, David Riaño, Aïda Valls: A Multi-agent System for Organ Transplant Co-ordination. AIME 2001: 413-416
6EEDavid Riaño, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Ignasi R.-Roda: Autonomous Agents Architecture to Supervise and Control a Wastewater Treatment Plant. IEA/AIE 2001: 804-811
5EEDavid Riaño, Susana Prado: The Analysis of Hospital Episodes. ISMDA 2001: 231-237
4 Ulises Cortés, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Ramon Sangüesa, Joaquim Comas, Ignasi R.-Roda, Manel Poch, David Riaño: Knowledge Management in Environmental Decision Support Systems. AI Commun. 14(1): 3-12 (2001)
3EEDavid Riaño, Susana Prado: A Data Mining Alternative to Model Hospital Operations: Filtering, Adaption and Behaviour Prediction. ISMDA 2000: 293-299
2 David Riaño: On the Process of Making Descriptive Rules. Collaboration between Human and Artificial Societies 1999: 182-197
1 Ulises Cortés, Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Ignasi R.-Roda, David Riaño: Binding Environmental Sciences and Artificial Intelligence on ECAI'98. AI Commun. 12(4): 261-265 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Arantza Aldea [7] [11] [14]
2Ioannis Aslanidis [17]
3René Bañares-Alcántara [11] [14]
4Jaime Bocio [11] [15]
5John A. Bohada [21] [26] [29]
6Bostjan Brumen [16]
7Antoni Collado [27]
8Joaquim Comas [4]
9Ulises Cortés [1] [4]
10Marjan Druzovec [16]
11Javier Gramajo [11] [12]
12Miguel Ángel Patricio Guisado [20]
13David Isern [11] [15]
14Laureano Jiménez [11] [14] [15]
15Aida Kamisalic [23] [25]
16Antonis Kokossis [11]
17Beatriz López (Beatriz López Ibánez) [7]
18Joan Albert López-Vallverdú [24] [27]
19Silvestre Martín [9]
20Juan Martínez-Miranda [14]
21Antonio Moreno [7] [11] [14] [15]
22Antonio Pascual [9]
23Manel Poch [4]
24Susana Prado [3] [5] [8] [9] [10]
25Francis Real [22] [25] [26] [29]
26Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda (Ignasi R.-Roda) [1] [4] [6]
27David Sánchez [15]
28Miquel Sànchez-Marrè [1] [4] [6]
29Ramon Sangüesa (Ramón Sangüesa) [4]
30Samson Tu [24]
31L. Usero [20]
32S. L. Ustin [20]
33Aïda Valls [7]
34Tatjana Welzer (Tatjana Welzer-Druzovec) [16] [23] [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)