
Mohammad Zulkernine

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46EEMohammad Gias Uddin, Mohammad Zulkernine: ATM: an automatic trust monitoring algorithm for service software. SAC 2009: 1040-1044
45EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Donghyun Kim, Chowdhury S. Hasan, Mohammad Zulkernine: Towards developing a trust-based security solution. SAC 2009: 2204-2205
44EEMohammad Gias Uddin, Mohammad Zulkernine, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed: Collaboration through computation: incorporating trust model into service-based software systems. Service Oriented Computing and Applications 3(1): 47-63 (2009)
43EESarah-Jane Whittaker, Mohammad Zulkernine, Karen Rudie: Towards Incorporating Discrete-Event Systems in Secure Software Development. ARES 2008: 1188-1195
42EEYonghua You, Mohammad Zulkernine, Anwar Haque: A Distributed Defense Framework for Flooding-Based DDoS Attacks. ARES 2008: 245-252
41EELiwei Kuang, Mohammad Zulkernine: An Intrusion-Tolerant Mechanism for Intrusion Detection Systems. ARES 2008: 319-326
40EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Mohammad Zulkernine: Message from the STPSA 2008 Workshop Organizers. COMPSAC 2008: 653
39EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Mohammad Zulkernine: STPSA 2008 Workshop Organization. COMPSAC 2008: 654
38EEMuhammad Umair Ahmed Khan, Mohammad Zulkernine: Quantifying Security in Secure Software Development Phases. COMPSAC 2008: 955-960
37EEHossain Shahriar, Mohammad Zulkernine: Mutation-Based Testing of Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. COMPSAC 2008: 979-984
36EEHossain Shahriar, Mohammad Zulkernine: Mutation-Based Testing of Format String Bugs. HASE 2008: 229-238
35EEAtef Mohamed, Mohammad Zulkernine: At What Level of Granularity Should We be Componentizing for Software Reliability? HASE 2008: 273-282
34EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Md. Endadul Hoque, Farzana Rahman, Mohammad Zulkernine: Towards Secure Trust Bootstrapping in Pervasive Computing Environment. HASE 2008: 89-96
33EEAtef Mohamed, Mohammad Zulkernine: On Failure Propagation in Component-Based Software Systems. QSIC 2008: 402-411
32EEHossain Shahriar, Mohammad Zulkernine: MUSIC: Mutation-based SQL Injection Vulnerability Checking. QSIC 2008: 77-86
31EEMohammad Gias Uddin, Mohammad Zulkernine, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed: CAT: a context-aware trust model for open and dynamic systems. SAC 2008: 2024-2029
30EEMohammad Gias Uddin, Mohammad Zulkernine: UMLtrust: towards developing trust-aware software. SAC 2008: 831-836
29EELiwei Kuang, Mohammad Zulkernine: An anomaly intrusion detection method using the CSI-KNN algorithm. SAC 2008: 921-926
28EEIstehad Chowdhury, Brian Chan, Mohammad Zulkernine: Security metrics for source code structures. SESS 2008: 57-64
27EEJiong Zhang, Mohammad Zulkernine, Anwar Haque: Random-Forests-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 38(5): 649-659 (2008)
26EEMohammad Feroz Raihan, Mohammad Zulkernine: AsmLSec: An Extension of Abstract State Machine Language for Attack Scenario Specification. ARES 2007: 775-782
25EEZhi Jian Zhu, Mohammad Zulkernine: Towards an Aspect-Oriented Intrusion Detection Framework. COMPSAC (1) 2007: 637-638
24EEMohammad Gias Uddin, Hossain Shahriar, Mohammad Zulkernine: ACIR: An Aspect-Connector for Intrusion Response. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 249-254
23EEAtef Mohamed, Mohammad Zulkernine: Improving Reliability and Safety by Trading off Software Failure Criticalities. HASE 2007: 267-274
22EEYonghua You, Mohammad Zulkernine, Anwar Haque: Detecting Flooding-Based DDoS Attacks. ICC 2007: 1229-1234
21EEMohammad Al-Subaie, Mohammad Zulkernine: The Power of Temporal Pattern Processing in Anomaly Intrusion Detection. ICC 2007: 1391-1398
20EEPradeep Kannadiga, Mohammad Zulkernine, Anwar Haque: E-NIPS: An Event-Based Network Intrusion Prediction System. ISC 2007: 37-52
19EEKashif Ali, Mohammad Zulkernine, Hossam S. Hassanein: Packet Filtering Based on Source Router Marking and Hop-Count. LCN 2007: 1061-1068
18EEMohammad Zulkernine, Mathew Graves, Muhammad Umair Ahmed Khan: Integrating software specifications into intrusion detection. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 6(5): 345-357 (2007)
17EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Mohammad Zulkernine, Steve Wolfe: A software-based trust framework for distributed industrial management systems. Journal of Systems and Software 80(10): 1621-1630 (2007)
16EEMohammed Hussein, Mohammad Zulkernine: Intrusion detection aware component-based systems: A specification-based framework. Journal of Systems and Software 80(5): 700-710 (2007)
15EEJiong Zhang, Mohammad Zulkernine: A Hybrid Network Intrusion Detection Technique Using Random Forests. ARES 2006: 262-269
14EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Mohammad Zulkernine, Suresh Anamanamuri: A Dependable Device Discovery Approach for Pervasive Computing Middleware. ARES 2006: 66-73
13EEMohammad Al-Subaie, Mohammad Zulkernine: Efficacy of Hidden Markov Models Over Neural Networks in Anomaly Intrusion Detection. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 325-332
12EEMohammed Hussein, Mohammad Zulkernine: UMLintr: A UML Profile for Specifying Intrusions. ECBS 2006: 279-288
11EEMathew Graves, Mohammad Zulkernine: Bridging the gap: software specification meets intrusion detector. PST 2006: 31
10EEMohammad Feroz Raihan, Mohammad Zulkernine: Detecting Intrusions Specified in a Software Specification Language. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 143-148
9EEPradeep Kannadiga, Mohammad Zulkernine, Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed: Towards an Intrusion Detection System for Pervasive Computing Environments. ITCC (2) 2005: 277-282
8EEJiong Zhang, Mohammad Zulkernine: Network Intrusion Detection using Random Forests. PST 2005
7EEPradeep Kannadiga, Mohammad Zulkernine: DIDMA: A Distributed Intrusion Detection System Using Mobile Agents. SNPD 2005: 238-245
6EERen Hui Gong, Mohammad Zulkernine, Purang Abolmaesumi: A Software Implementation of a Genetic Algorithm Based Approach to Network Intrusion Detection. SNPD 2005: 246-253
5EEMohammad Zulkernine, Rudolph E. Seviora: Towards automatic monitoring of component-based software systems. Journal of Systems and Software 74(1): 15-24 (2005)
4EESheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Avinash Vyas, Mohammad Zulkernine: Towards Developing Sensor Networks Monitoring as a Middleware Service. ICPP Workshops 2004: 465-471
3EEMohammad Zulkernine, Rudolph E. Seviora: A Compositional Approach to Monitoring Distributed Systems. DSN 2002: 763-772
2EEMohammad Zulkernine, Rudolph E. Seviora: Assume-Guarantee Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Software Failures. IFM 2002: 89-108
1 Mohammad Zulkernine, Rudolph E. Seviora: Assume-Guarantee Supervisor for Concurrent Systems. IPDPS 2001: 151

Coauthor Index

1Purang Abolmaesumi [6]
2Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed [4] [9] [14] [17] [31] [34] [39] [40] [44] [45]
3Mohammad Al-Subaie [13] [21]
4Kashif Ali [19]
5Suresh Anamanamuri [14]
6Brian Chan [28]
7Istehad Chowdhury [28]
8Ren Hui Gong [6]
9Mathew Graves [11] [18]
10Anwar Haque [20] [22] [27] [42]
11Chowdhury S. Hasan [45]
12Hossam S. Hassanein [19]
13Md. Endadul Hoque [34]
14Mohammed Hussein [12] [16]
15Pradeep Kannadiga [7] [9] [20]
16Muhammad Umair Ahmed Khan (Umair Khan) [18] [38]
17Donghyun Kim [45]
18Liwei Kuang [29] [41]
19Atef Mohamed [23] [33] [35]
20Farzana Rahman [34]
21Mohammad Feroz Raihan [10] [26]
22Karen Rudie [43]
23Rudolph E. Seviora [1] [2] [3] [5]
24Hossain Shahriar [24] [32] [36] [37]
25Mohammad Gias Uddin [24] [30] [31] [44] [46]
26Avinash Vyas [4]
27Sarah-Jane Whittaker [43]
28Steve Wolfe [17]
29Yonghua You [22] [42]
30Jiong Zhang [8] [15] [27]
31Zhi Jian Zhu [25]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)