
Li Zhou

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23EEHongbo Li, Li Zhou: Use Closure of Relevant Sets of Attributes to Efficiently Find Candidate Keys. CSSE (1) 2008: 237-242
22EELi Zhou, Yong Zhang, Chun-Xiao Xing: A Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Based on Global and Domain Authorities. ICADL 2008: 164-173
21EELi Zhou, Ying Xie, Nigel Wild, Charles Hunt: Learning and practising supply chain management strategies from a business simulation game: A comprehensive supply chain simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2534-2542
20EEHui Song, Yanchun Sun, Li Zhou, Gang Huang: Towards Instant Automatic Model Refinement Based on OCL. APSEC 2007: 167-174
19EEPaul Flynn, Li Zhou, Kurt Maly, Steven J. Zeil, Mohammad Zubair: Automated Template-Based Metadata Extraction Architecture. ICADL 2007: 327-336
18EEXuanzhe Liu, Li Zhou, Gang Huang, Hong Mei: Consumer-Centric Web Services Discovery and Subscription. ICEBE 2007: 543-550
17 Xi Sun, Li Zhou, Lei Zhuang, Wenpin Jiao, Hong Mei: Towards Constructing High-available Decentralized Systems via Self-adaptive Components. SEKE 2007: 296-301
16EEXuanzhe Liu, Li Zhou, Gang Huang, Hong Mei: Towards service pool based approach for services discovery and subscription. WWW 2007: 1253-1254
15EELi Zhou, George Hripcsak: Temporal reasoning with medical data - A review with emphasis on medical natural language processing. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 40(2): 183-202 (2007)
14EELi Zhou, You He, WeiHua Zhang: New optimal algorithm of data association for multi-passive-sensor location system. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 50(4): 600-608 (2007)
13EELi Zhou, Jinfeng Ni, Chinya V. Ravishankar: Supporting Secure Communication and Data Collection in Mobile Sensor Networks. INFOCOM 2006
12EEJie Yang, Gang Huang, Li Zhou, Zhao Liu, Meng Ye, Ying Chen: An Approach to Composing Multiple Component Implementations for Satisfying Quality Requirements. QSIC 2006: 295-302
11EENoria Foukia, Li Zhou, B. Clifford Neuman: Multilateral Decisions for Collaborative Defense Against Unsolicited Bulk E-mail. iTrust 2006: 77-92
10EEGang Huang, Li Zhou, Xuanzhe Liu, Hong Mei, Shing-Chi Cheung: Performance Aware Service Pool in Dependable Service Oriented Architecture. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(4): 565-573 (2006)
9EELi Zhou, Genevieve B. Melton, Simon Parsons, George Hripcsak: A temporal constraint structure for extracting temporal information from clinical narrative. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: 424-439 (2006)
8EELi Zhou, Ying Tao, James J. Cimino, Elizabeth S. Chen, Hongfang Liu, Yves A. Lussier, George Hripcsak, Carol Friedman: Terminology model discovery using natural language processing and visualization techniques. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: 626-636 (2006)
7EETatyana Ryutov, Li Zhou, B. Clifford Neuman, Noria Foukia, Travis Leithead, Kent E. Seamons: Adaptive trust negotiation and access control for grids. GRID 2005: 55-62
6EETatyana Ryutov, Li Zhou, B. Clifford Neuman, Travis Leithead, Kent E. Seamons: Adaptive trust negotiation and access control. SACMAT 2005: 139-146
5EELi Zhou, Jinfeng Ni, Chinya V. Ravishankar: Efficient key establishment for group-based wireless sensor deployments. Workshop on Wireless Security 2005: 1-10
4EELi Zhou, Chinya V. Ravishankar: Efficient, Authenticated, and Fault-Tolerant Key Agreement for Dynamic Peer Groups. NETWORKING 2004: 759-770
3EETatyana Ryutov, B. Clifford Neuman, Dong-Ho Kim, Li Zhou: Integrated Access Control and Intrusion Detection for Web Servers. ICDCS 2003: 394-
2EETatyana Ryutov, B. Clifford Neuman, Dong-Ho Kim, Li Zhou: Integrated Access Control and Intrusion Detection for Web Servers. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(9): 841-850 (2003)
1EEDongxiao Li, Qingdong Yao, Peng Liu, Li Zhou: A bus arbitration scheme for HDTV decoder SoC. APCCAS (2) 2002: 79-83

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth S. Chen [8]
2Ying Chen [12]
3Shing-Chi Cheung (S. C. Cheung) [10]
4James J. Cimino [8]
5Paul Flynn [19]
6Noria Foukia [7] [11]
7Carol Friedman [8]
8You He [14]
9George Hripcsak [8] [9] [15]
10Gang Huang [10] [12] [16] [18] [20]
11Charles Hunt [21]
12Wenpin Jiao [17]
13Dong-Ho Kim [2] [3]
14Travis Leithead [6] [7]
15Dongxiao Li [1]
16Hongbo Li [23]
17Hongfang Liu [8]
18Peng Liu [1]
19Xuanzhe Liu [10] [16] [18]
20Zhao Liu [12]
21Yves A. Lussier [8]
22Kurt Maly [19]
23Hong Mei [10] [16] [17] [18]
24Genevieve B. Melton [9]
25B. Clifford Neuman [2] [3] [6] [7] [11]
26Jinfeng Ni [5] [13]
27Simon Parsons [9]
28Chinya V. Ravishankar [4] [5] [13]
29Tatyana Ryutov [2] [3] [6] [7]
30Kent E. Seamons [6] [7]
31Hui Song [20]
32Xi Sun [17]
33Yanchun Sun [20]
34Ying Tao [8]
35Nigel Wild [21]
36Ying Xie [21]
37Chunxiao Xing (Chun-Xiao Xing) [22]
38Jie Yang [12]
39Qingdong Yao [1]
40Meng Ye [12]
41Steven J. Zeil [19]
42WeiHua Zhang [14]
43Yong Zhang [22]
44Lei Zhuang [17]
45Mohammad Zubair [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)