
Noria Foukia

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10EENathan Lewis, Noria Foukia, Donovan G. Govan: Using trust for key distribution and route selection in Wireless Sensor Networks. NOMS 2008: 787-790
9EENathan Lewis, Noria Foukia: An Efficient Reputation-Based Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks: Testing the Impact of Mobility and Hostile Nodes. PST 2008: 151-155
8EEMariusz Nowostawski, Noria Foukia: Social Collaboration, Stochastic Strategies and Information Referrals. IAT 2007: 416-419
7EENoria Foukia, Li Zhou, B. Clifford Neuman: Multilateral Decisions for Collaborative Defense Against Unsolicited Bulk E-mail. iTrust 2006: 77-92
6EENoria Foukia: IDReAM: intrusion detection and response executed with agent mobility architecture and implementation. AAMAS 2005: 264-270
5EETatyana Ryutov, Li Zhou, B. Clifford Neuman, Noria Foukia, Travis Leithead, Kent E. Seamons: Adaptive trust negotiation and access control for grids. GRID 2005: 55-62
4EENoria Foukia: IDReAM: Intrusion Detection and Response Executed with Agent Mobility. Engineering Self-Organising Systems 2004: 227-239
3EEGiovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Noria Foukia, Salima Hassas, Anthony Karageorgos, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Omer F. Rana, Mihaela Ulieru, Paul Valckenaers, Chris van Aart: Self-Organisation: Paradigms and Applications. Engineering Self-Organising Systems 2003: 1-19
2EENoria Foukia, Salima Hassas: Managing Computer Networks Security through Self-Organization: A Complex System Perspective. Engineering Self-Organising Systems 2003: 124-138
1EENoria Foukia, Salima Hassas, Serge Fenet, Paul Albuquerque: Combining Immune Systems and Social Insect Metaphors: A Paradigm for Distributed Intrusion Detection and Response System. MATA 2003: 251-264

Coauthor Index

1Chris van Aart [3]
2Paul Albuquerque [1]
3Serge Fenet [1]
4Donovan G. Govan [10]
5Salima Hassas [1] [2] [3]
6Anthony Karageorgos [3]
7Travis Leithead [5]
8Nathan Lewis [9] [10]
9Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui [3]
10B. Clifford Neuman [5] [7]
11Mariusz Nowostawski [8]
12Omer F. Rana [3]
13Tatyana Ryutov [5]
14Kent E. Seamons [5]
15Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo [3]
16Mihaela Ulieru [3]
17Paul Valckenaers [3]
18Li Zhou [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)