
Dong-Ho Kim

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15EEChang-Won Jeong, Dong-Ho Kim, Su-Chong Joo: Mobile Collaboration Framework for u-Healthcare Agent Services and Its Application Using PDAs. KES-AMSTA 2007: 747-756
14EEDong-Ho Kim, Il Im, Vijayalakshmi Atluri: A Clickstream-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Model for E-Commerce. CEC 2005: 84-91
13EEWon-Joon Shin, Dong-Ho Kim, Myung-Joon Lee: DAView: a linux WebDAV client supporting effective distributed authoring. GROUP 2005: 346-347
12 Dong-Ho Kim, Sung-Woo Jun, Seong-Jun Yoo: Implementation of an e-Card Mailing System Based on Web services Architecture. ISWS 2005: 143-150
11EEDong-Ho Kim, Kangwoo Lee, Wonjong Noh, Sinam Woo, Sunshin An: Location Management with Dynamic Anchor Scheme in Wireless ATM Networks. ICOIN 2004: 648-657
10EEDong-Ho Kim, Il Im, Vijayalakshmi Atluri, Michael Bieber, Nabil R. Adam, Yelena Yesha: A clickstream-based collaborative filtering personalization model: towards a better performance. WIDM 2004: 88-95
9EETatyana Ryutov, B. Clifford Neuman, Dong-Ho Kim: Dynamic Authorization and Intrusion Response in Distributed Systems. DISCEX (1) 2003: 50-61
8EETatyana Ryutov, B. Clifford Neuman, Dong-Ho Kim, Li Zhou: Integrated Access Control and Intrusion Detection for Web Servers. ICDCS 2003: 394-
7EEXin Chen, Dong-Ho Kim, Nkechi Nnadi, Himanshu Shah, Prateek Shrivastava, Michael Bieber, Il Im, Yi-Fang Wu: Digital Library Service Integratio. JCDL 2003: 384
6EEXin Chen, Dong-Ho Kim, Nkechi Nnadi, Himanshu Shah, Prateek Shrivastava, Michael Bieber, Il Im, Yi-Fang Wu: Integrating Web Systems Through Linking. WWW (Posters) 2003
5EETatyana Ryutov, B. Clifford Neuman, Dong-Ho Kim, Li Zhou: Integrated Access Control and Intrusion Detection for Web Servers. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(9): 841-850 (2003)
4EEWonjong Noh, Sangkyung Kim, Dong-Ho Kim, Youngsik Ma, Sunshin An: Adaptive Bus Model for Distributed Multimedia Stream in Mobile Computing Environments. ICOIN 2001: 849-
3 Dong-Ho Kim, Chee-Hang Park, You Ze Cho: Impacts of Fast Congestion Notification Function on Multicast ABR Branch Point Switch in ATM Networks. ICC (3) 2000: 1395-1400
2 Dong-Ho Kim, Jang-Kyung Kim, Byung-Chul Kim, You Ze Cho: Performance Comparison of Branch Point Algorithms for Multicast ABR Flow Control. Broadband Communications 1999: 535-548
1EEDong-Ho Kim, Hyung-Jun Kim, Dongjin Han, WonKeun Choi, Sunshin An: Providing Seamless Handoff in Wireless ATM Networks. ICCCN 1998: 737-741

Coauthor Index

1Nabil R. Adam [10]
2Sunshin An [1] [4] [11]
3Vijayalakshmi Atluri (Vijay Atluri) [10] [14]
4Michael Bieber (Michael P. Bieber) [6] [7] [10]
5Xin Chen [6] [7]
6You Ze Cho [2] [3]
7WonKeun Choi [1]
8Dongjin Han [1]
9Il Im [6] [7] [10] [14]
10Chang-Won Jeong [15]
11Su-Chong Joo [15]
12Sung-Woo Jun [12]
13Byung-Chul Kim [2]
14Hyung-Jun Kim [1]
15Jang-Kyung Kim [2]
16Sangkyung Kim [4]
17Kangwoo Lee [11]
18Myung-Joon Lee [13]
19Youngsik Ma [4]
20B. Clifford Neuman [5] [8] [9]
21Nkechi Nnadi [6] [7]
22Wonjong Noh [4] [11]
23Chee-Hang Park [3]
24Tatyana Ryutov [5] [8] [9]
25Himanshu Shah [6] [7]
26Won-Joon Shin [13]
27Prateek Shrivastava [6] [7]
28Sinam Woo [11]
29Yi-Fang Wu [6] [7]
30Yelena Yesha [10]
31Seong-Jun Yoo [12]
32Li Zhou [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)