
Henk Zeevat

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6 Balder ten Cate, Henk Zeevat: Logic, Language, and Computation, 6th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation, TbiLLC 2005, Batumi, Georgia, September 12-16, 2005. Revised Selected Papers Springer 2007
5EEHenk Zeevat: Discourse Particles as Speech Act Markers. LDV Forum 17(1/2): 74-91 (2000)
4 John Lee, Henk Zeevat: Integrating natural language and graphics in dialogue. INTERACT 1990: 479-484
3EEMarc Moens, Jonathan Calder, Ewan Klein, Mike Reape, Henk Zeevat: Expressing generalizations in unification-based grammar formalisms. EACL 1989: 174-181
2EEJonathan Calder, Mike Reape, Henk Zeevat: An Algorithm For Generation In Unification Categorial Grammar. EACL 1989: 233-240
1 Jonathan Calder, Ewan Klein, Henk Zeevat: Unification Categorial Grammar: a concise, extenable grammar for natural language processing. COLING 1988: 83-86

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Calder [1] [2] [3]
2Balder ten Cate [6]
3Ewan Klein [1] [3]
4John Lee [4]
5Marc Moens [3]
6Mike Reape [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)