
Ewan Klein

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17EEBeatrice Alex, Claire Grover, Barry Haddow, Mijail Kabadjor, Ewan Klein, Michael Matthews, Stuart Roebuck, Richard Tobin, Xinglong Wang: Assisted Curation: Does Text Mining Really Help?. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2008: 556-567
16EENicola Cathcart, Jean Carletta, Ewan Klein: A model of back-channel acknowledgements in spoken dialogue. EACL 2003: 51-58
15EEJohan Bos, Ewan Klein, Tetsushi Oka: Meaningful Conversation with a Mobile Robot. EACL 2003: 71-74
14EEMichaela Atterer, Ewan Klein: Integrating Linguistic and Performance-Based Constraints for Assigning Phrase Breaks. COLING 2002
13EEStanislao Lauria, Guido Bugmann, Theocharis Kyriacou, Ewan Klein: Mobile robot programming using natural language. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 38(3-4): 171-181 (2002)
12EEStanislao Lauria, Guido Bugmann, Theocharis Kyriacou, Johan Bos, Ewan Klein: Training Personal Robots Using Natural Language Instruction. IEEE Intelligent Systems 16(5): 38-45 (2001)
11EEEwan Klein: A Constraint-based Approach to English Prosodic Constituents. ACL 2000
10EEAlexander Holt, Ewan Klein: A semantically-derived subset of English for hardware verification. ACL 1999
9 Steven Bird, Ewan Klein: Phonological Analysis in Typed Feature Systems. Computational Linguistics 20(3): 455-491 (1994)
8 Fairouz Kamareddine, Ewan Klein: Polymorphism, Type containment and Nominalization. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2(3): 171-215 (1993)
7EEEwan Klein: Data Types In Computational Phonology. COLING 1992: 149-155
6 Ewan Klein, Luis Alberto Pineda: Semantics and graphical information. INTERACT 1990: 485-491
5EEMarc Moens, Jonathan Calder, Ewan Klein, Mike Reape, Henk Zeevat: Expressing generalizations in unification-based grammar formalisms. EACL 1989: 174-181
4 Jonathan Calder, Ewan Klein, Henk Zeevat: Unification Categorial Grammar: a concise, extenable grammar for natural language processing. COLING 1988: 83-86
3EELuis Alberto Pineda, Ewan Klein, J. Lee: GRAFLOG: Understanding Drawings through Natural Language. Comput. Graph. Forum 7(2): 97-103 (1988)
2 Gerald Gazdar, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Robert Carpenter, Ewan Klein, Thomas E. Hukari, Robert D. Levine: Category Structures. Computational Linguistics 14(1): 1-19 (1988)
1 Mark Johnson, Ewan Klein: Discouse, anaphora and parsing. COLING 1986: 669-675

Coauthor Index

1Beatrice Alex [17]
2Michaela Atterer [14]
3Steven Bird [9]
4Johan Bos [12] [15]
5Guido Bugmann [12] [13]
6Jonathan Calder [4] [5]
7Jean Carletta [16]
8Robert Carpenter [2]
9Nicola Cathcart [16]
10Gerald Gazdar [2]
11Claire Grover [17]
12Barry Haddow [17]
13Alexander Holt [10]
14Thomas E. Hukari [2]
15Mark Johnson [1]
16Mijail Kabadjor [17]
17Fairouz Kamareddine [8]
18Theocharis Kyriacou [12] [13]
19Stanislao Lauria [12] [13]
20J. Lee [3]
21Robert D. Levine [2]
22Michael Matthews [17]
23Marc Moens [5]
24Tetsushi Oka [15]
25Luis Alberto Pineda (Luis Alberto Pineda Cortés) [3] [6]
26Geoffrey K. Pullum [2]
27Mike Reape [5]
28Stuart Roebuck [17]
29Richard Tobin [17]
30Xinglong Wang [17]
31Henk Zeevat [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)