
Vittorio Zecca

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8 Fabrizio Piccolo, Vittorio Zecca, Annamaria Grimaudo, Claudia Loiodice: Graphic workstations and supercomputers: An integrated environment for simulation of fluid dynamics problems. IBM Journal of Research and Development 35(1): 167-183 (1991)
7 Ferenc Szelényi, Vittorio Zecca: Visualizing parallel execution of FORTRAN programs. IBM Journal of Research and Development 35(1): 270-282 (1991)
6EEVittorio Zecca, Aladin Kamel: Elastodynamics on clustered vector multiprocessors. ICS 1990: 281-290
5EEAladin Kamel, Piero Sguazzero, Vittorio Zecca: Large-scale computing on clustered vector multiprocessors. SC 1990: 418-427
4 Kimming So, Vittorio Zecca: Cache Performance of Vector Processors. ISCA 1988: 261-268
3 Kimming So, Vittorio Zecca: Program Locality of Vectorized Applications Running on the IBM 3090 with Vector Facility. IBM Systems Journal 27(4): 436-452 (1988)
2 Wolfgang Gentzsch, Ferenc Szelényi, Vittorio Zecca: Use of parallel FORTRAN for engineering problems on the IBM 3090 vector multiprocessor. Parallel Computing 9(1): 107-115 (1988)
1 Paolo Carnevali, Piero Sguazzero, Vittorio Zecca: Microtasking on IBM Multiprocessors. IBM Journal of Research and Development 30(6): 574-582 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Carnevali [1]
2Wolfgang Gentzsch [2]
3Annamaria Grimaudo [8]
4Aladin Kamel [5] [6]
5Claudia Loiodice [8]
6Fabrizio Piccolo [8]
7Piero Sguazzero [1] [5]
8Kimming So [3] [4]
9Ferenc Szelényi [2] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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