
Ferenc Szelényi

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6 Ferenc Szelényi: Scalable POWERparallel Systems IBM 9076 SPI. Supercomputer 1993: 77-84
5 Ferenc Szelényi, Vittorio Zecca: Visualizing parallel execution of FORTRAN programs. IBM Journal of Research and Development 35(1): 270-282 (1991)
4EESauro Succi, F. Higuera, Ferenc Szelényi: Simulations of three-dimensional flows with the lattice Boltzmann equation on the IBM 3090/VF. ICS 1989: 128-134
3EEFerenc Szelényi, Wolfgang E. Nagel: A comparison of parallel processing on Cray X-MP AND IBM 3090 VF multiprocessors. ICS 1989: 271-282
2 Sauro Succi, Dominique d'Humières, Ferenc Szelényi: Lattice-Gas Hydrodynamics on the IBM 3090 Vector Facility. IBM Journal of Research and Development 33(2): 136-148 (1989)
1 Wolfgang Gentzsch, Ferenc Szelényi, Vittorio Zecca: Use of parallel FORTRAN for engineering problems on the IBM 3090 vector multiprocessor. Parallel Computing 9(1): 107-115 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang Gentzsch [1]
2F. Higuera [4]
3Wolfgang E. Nagel [3]
4Sauro Succi [2] [4]
5Vittorio Zecca [1] [5]
6Dominique d'Humières [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)