
Yuan-Tse Yu

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6EEChung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Yi Lai: Location-aware multimedia proxy handoff over the IPv6 mobile network environment. Journal of Systems and Software 79(8): 1037-1050 (2006)
5EEChung-Ming Huang, Chao-Hsien Lee, Chung-Yi Lai, Yuan-Tse Yu: A Location-aware Layer 7 Proxy Handoff Mechanism over the Mobile Network Environment. AINA (2) 2004: 274-278
4EESheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang: Efficient Region Layouts for Region-based Video Servers Employing Multi-zone Disks. Comput. J. 47(2): 153-168 (2004)
3EEChung-Ming Huang, Yuan-Tse Yu, Yi-Wei Lin: An Adaptive Control Scheme for Real-Time Media Streaming over Wireless Networks. AINA 2003: 373-378
2EESheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang: Efficient Resource Reservation Based on Communication Paradigms. ICME 2001
1EESheau-Ru Tong, Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang: A Resource Reservation Protocol for Deterministically Multiplexing Compressed Video streams over Wide-Area Networks. ISMSE 2000: 173-178

Coauthor Index

1Chung-Ming Huang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Chung-Yi Lai [5] [6]
3Chao-Hsien Lee [5] [6]
4Yi-Wei Lin [3]
5Sheau-Ru Tong [1] [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)