
Myungsik Yoo

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8EEJoonho Choi, Myungsik Yoo, Biswanath Mukherjee: Efficient VoD Streaming for Broadband Access Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 1774-1779
7EEKwangsik Myung, Seungwan Ryu, Byunghan Ryu, Seungkwon Hong, Myungsik Yoo: Adaptive Qos-Aware Wireless Packet Scheduling in OFDMA Broadband Wireless Systems. ICOIN 2007: 60-69
6EEMyungsik Yoo, Junho Hwang: Optical Burst Control Algorithm for Reducing the Effect of Congestion Reaction Delay. Networking 2007: 1221-1224
5EEMyungsik Yoo, Min-Cheol Hong, Younghan Kim: Receiver-Based Rate Control with One-Way Trip Time for Multimedia Applications. ICOIN 2006: 641-649
4EESuckchel Yang, Myungsik Yoo, Yoan Shin: An Adaptive Discontinuous Reception Mechanism Based on Extended Paging Indicator for Power Saving in UMTS. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
3EEMin-Cheol Hong, Myungsik Yoo, Ji Hee Kim: An Adaptive LS-Based Motion Prediction Algorithm for Video Coding. PCM (3) 2004: 705-712
2 Chunsheng Xin, Ti-Shiang Wang, Yinghua Ye, Myungsik Yoo, Sudhir S. Dixit, Chunming Qiao: On Design and Architecture of an IP over WDM Optical Network Control Plane. ONDM 2001: 297-312
1 Myungsik Yoo, Sudhir S. Dixit, Chunming Qiao: The Effect of Limited Fiber Delay Lines on QoS Performance of Optical Burst Switched WDM Networks. ICC (2) 2000: 974-979

Coauthor Index

1Joonho Choi [8]
2Sudhir S. Dixit [1] [2]
3Min-Cheol Hong [3] [5]
4Seungkwon Hong [7]
5Junho Hwang [6]
6Ji Hee Kim [3]
7Younghan Kim [5]
8Biswanath Mukherjee [8]
9Kwangsik Myung [7]
10Chunming Qiao [1] [2]
11Byunghan Ryu [7]
12Seungwan Ryu [7]
13Yoan Shin [4]
14Ti-Shiang Wang [2]
15Chunsheng Xin [2]
16Suckchel Yang [4]
17Yinghua Ye [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)