
Ji Hee Kim

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4EEJae-Woo Chang, Rabindra Bista, Ji Hee Kim, Young-Chang Kim: A New Trajectory Search Algorithm Based on Spatio-temporal Similarity on Spatial Network. CIT 2007: 110-115
3 Jae-Woo Chang, Ji Hee Kim, Yong-Ki Kim: Design of Overall Architecture Supporting Context-Aware Application Services in Pervasive Computing. ESA 2007: 216-221
2EEN. K. Kwak, Chang Won Lee, Ji Hee Kim: An MCDM model for media selection in the dual consumer/industrial market. European Journal of Operational Research 166(1): 255-265 (2005)
1EEMin-Cheol Hong, Myungsik Yoo, Ji Hee Kim: An Adaptive LS-Based Motion Prediction Algorithm for Video Coding. PCM (3) 2004: 705-712

Coauthor Index

1Rabindra Bista [4]
2Jae-Woo Chang [3] [4]
3Min-Cheol Hong [1]
4Yong-Ki Kim [3]
5Young-Chang Kim [4]
6N. K. Kwak [2]
7Chang Won Lee [2]
8Myungsik Yoo [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)